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Joint City Council and Planning Commission Minutes
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CITY ODONCIL MINUTES - January 30, 1985 <br />B. S1UDY SESSION ON TOWN'S PIANNING REVIEW (continued): <br />Mayor Pro Ten Dronkert pointed out that in Section 9-3.503 of the draft <br />ordinance, it should be specifically stated that drainage will go to a <br />place where it will continue to flow. Mayor Pro Ten Dronkert also expressed <br />concern over the reference to development above ore -third of the hill. If <br />the purpose of this was to preserve the ridge lines, then it should be <br />more specifically addressed in the ordinance. <br />Camnissioner Siegel commented on the issue of 'siting', noting that by the <br />time the Site Development Committee reviewed a piece of property, the <br />applicant had spent a considerable amount of money on detailed plans. To <br />correct this problem it was suggested that a preliminary site review take <br />place. It was agreed that staff would review this suggestion and make a <br />recommendation to the Planning Cmvdssion. <br />Several members of the study group expressed concern over the issue of enforce- <br />ment in all areas of the Town's planning function. Commissioner Gottlieb <br />cemented that if the penalties were harsh enough, it would tend to ensure <br />compliance with the ordinances. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: Tb aannd Section 9-3.1202(d) of the draft ordinance to <br />read as follows: 'Fees. In each case in which work for which a peunit is <br />required by the provisions of this chapter is started without obtaining such <br />permit, the fee for such permit thereafter granted shall be ten (10) tines <br />the normal fee for such permit.' <br />L Mayor Allison commented that he thought the study session had been quite worth- <br />` while and he expressed the lope that the Planning Consultant had a clearer <br />understanding of the primary concerns of the Council and the Cmudssion. Mr. <br />Goldman, Connerly & Associates, indicated he understood the eomcents which had <br />been made during the meeting. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: It was agreed that a meeting would be scheduled in approxi- <br />mately two weeks including the Mayor, the Planning Commission Chaim , the <br />City Manager and the Planning Consultant to discuss the feedback frau the study <br />session and the resubmittal of the draft site development ordinance. <br />C. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDIIW= ADOPTING AS AN URMUY MEASURE INTERIM ZONING <br />The City Manager reported that during recent months there had been a high <br />frequency of buildings in the Town in excess of fifteen feet which resulted <br />in structures out of character with the existing cauunity The urgency <br />ordinance before Council would be in effect for forty-five (45) days. At <br />the end of that period, it could be continued, subject to a public hearing, <br />for a specified period of time. <br />MDTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Fuhrman and passed <br />unaninously by all Coucilmenhers percent to adopt Ordinance #292 adopting as an <br />urgency measure interim zoning regulations re=quiring a special lard use permt <br />for construction or conversion of structures exceeding a height of fifteen (15) <br />feet in an R -A residential -agricultural district. <br />mm <br />
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