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C=y OUUNcIL MDUrES - March 20, 1985 <br />E. SPBCIAL ORDERS : Iten 5.c) Lands of Fenwick (continued): <br />PASSED BY OONSEbSUS: To express the Council's concern to the applicant for <br />the Lands of Fenwick regarding the existing exosion and run-off frcm driveway. <br />F. UNFINISBED BUS=S: <br />1. Items Re�oved from Consent Calendar: <br />a) Approval of Minutes: March 6, 1985 <br />K)TION SECONDED AM CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Drankert and passed <br />unanimcusly to approve the March 6, 1985 Council minutes with the following <br />miendftent: page 8, Item 1.4. to read: 'Dmnkert asked staff to make a recomTendation <br />for a uniform procedure regarding checking the cleaninq and maintaining of sewer <br />laterals in the public right-of-ways. <br />b) Resolution #__setting the time and place of public hearing on an <br />application for a use permit for a 300 nmiber private nan-profit <br />recreation facility on the Adobe Creek Lodge property <br />The City Manager reported that Mr. Belluoci had submitted a letter dated 3/20/85 <br />withdrawing his application of a 300 member recreation facility (File CUP V-84). <br />PASSED BY ODNSENSUS: To withdraw resolution setting the public hearing on the <br />300 madDership recreation facility for Adobe Creek Lodge due to applicant's <br />withdrawal of application. <br />c) Lands of Lacy, File CUP #6-B4, Lot #3 Red Rock Road - Conditional Use <br />Permit for attached second unit <br />van Tamelen noted that she had withdrawn this item frcm the Consent Calendar <br />pending report from the Planning Ccamissioner on the subject. Having received <br />Mr. Yanez' report, she concurred with the Ccumission's approval. <br />YDTION SEODNDED AND CARRIED : Yoved by van Tanelen, seconded by Fuh� and passed <br />unaninx)usly to concur with the Planning Ccnmission's approval of the conditional <br />use pennit at Lands of Lacy, File CUP #6-84. <br />G. SPECIAL REPORTS: <br />1. Reports frcm Standing Conmittess; : None <br />2. Reports from Ad Hoc Ccumittees: none <br />3. Cawments frcm the Ccuncil: <br />a) Dronkert: IGC Report <br />Drankert reported that the Intergove=mental Council node the following statement <br />regarding the Transportation 2000 study: "Land use policies are critical to the <br />success of the planned transportation systems just as an effective transportation <br />plan is critical to a succesful development plan. The Ocunty and the cities should <br />�W vx)rk nore closely together to ensure that future land use and transportation <br />decisions are linked and ccupatible." <br />