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City Council Minutes
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7/20/2015 4:35:10 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINU= - March 20, 1985 <br />I. NEW BUSINESS: Item 1. Tands of Davis (continued): <br />Mr. Stan Davis, applicant, addressed the Council concerning his mailbox. He <br />presented pictures of several other mailboxes and/or monuments in the Town, <br />asked for clarification of the definition of 'mailbox' and 'monument' and noted <br />that his mailbox was not in the pathway. He disagreed with safety issue stating <br />there were very few homes on the street and traffic was very light. <br />z, Chairman - Pathways Ccmmittee, asked Council to be careful of <br />precedbent. Already in Town them were several mailboxes, etc. placed <br />in the middle of pathways. <br />Mr. Dick Carter, applicant's builder asked if there was a section of the Town's <br />Code which stated the requirement for a mailbox, i.e. size, etc. He suggested <br />that if there was no such section, there should be one. <br />Council expressed serious concerns about the safety issue and the issue in general <br />of placing structures in the Town's right�f-way. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED : Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Fuhrman and passed <br />unanimously to deny the applicant's request for a monumen t style mailbox in the <br />Matadero Creek lane right-of-way and to direct Mr. Davis to remove the mo nument. <br />Paquest for Encroachment Permit - Larils of Zepponi, 14401 Saddle Mountain Drive <br />The City Engineer in his report dated 3/15/85 reoccuended that the Council direct <br />the City Attorney to prepare an encroachment permit for two entrance gate posts <br />4W and fencing in the right-of-way adjacent to 14401 Saddle Mountain Drive. The City <br />Engineer noted that the gate posts were installed when the County was providing <br />building inspection servi ces and due to their distance from the road, the posts <br />and fence should not create a traffic hazzard. <br />Mr. Zepponi, applicant concurred with the staff report and appreciated any <br />consideration the Council could give him regarding his request. <br />4W <br />van Tamelen expressed her opposition to the granting of an encroachrent permit <br />for the posts and fence. In her opinion building should not be taking place in the <br />Town's right-of-ways. Rydell stated that he considered this application different <br />from the one Council had just discussed in that this request did not include a <br />safety iso, . Dronkert also ted that the posts and fence had been put in <br />when the County was providing the Town's inspection services. While an error had <br />been made, it had been an error made in good faith. The applicant had at the <br />time applied for inspections, etc. <br />MOTION SECONDED AM CAIURIED: Moved by Rydell, seconded by Dronkert arid passed by <br />the following roll call vote to direct the City Attorney to prepare an encroa chment <br />permit for two entrance gate posts and fencing in the right-of-way adjacent to <br />14401 Saddle Mountain Drive, Iands of Zepponi- <br />AYES: Mayor Alli�n and CounciLTembers Dronkert and Rydell <br />NOES: Councilmembers Fk�hrman and van Tamelen <br />ff.= <br />
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