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CITY CO(WIL bZNUTES - April 3, 1985 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: It� 1 - Public Hearings (continued): <br />�W c) LANDS OF GRINNELL, 15472 Vista Serena, request for approval of a <br />special land use Permit to allow a new residence having a height in <br />excess of fifteen feet <br />The Staff Planner pretsented her report dated 3/26/85 which included the Site <br />Developnent Committee's recomnended approval of the proposed residence. it wa� <br />further noted that this pro3ect conformed with all the guidelines for Ord inance <br />#295. <br />Richard TAbng, 1274 Browning Lane, Sunnyvale, noted that he was the adjacent <br />property owner and he was ooncernect witn tw proposed location of the house. <br />Mr. Wong further oommen ted, however, that he wanted to cooperate with his <br />new neighbors. <br />Mr. Dick Grinnell, applicant, noted that he had a landscaping plan which included <br />F-ffi would mitigate the visual impact of the house. <br />extensive tree plantings w i <br />Mayor Allison suggested that Mir. Grinnell and Mr. Wong arrange to get together <br />to discuss the proposed landscaping. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Rydell and passed <br />unanimously to approve a special land use permit for Lands of Grinnell for a new <br />residence having a height in excess of fifteen feet based on the Site Development <br />Cm�ttee's findings that the project confonned with all the guidelines established <br />for Ordinance #295. <br />�ftw 2. Resolution k__appraving addendum to agreement with Gerald Ferrari for <br />sewer construction reimbursement. <br />The City Manager reported that in 1973 the Town and Mr. Ferrari entered into a <br />refunding agreement to insure that Mr. Ferrari would receive reimbursement for <br />the cost of a sewer line be installed. The ag reemen t provided that Mr. Ferrari <br />would receive $843 for each future connection to the line up to a total of $8,430. <br />Since that tine Mr. Ferrari has received $4,000 from a developer for connections <br />made to the line. Therefore the proposed addendum reduces the Town's responsibility <br />for collection of the connection fees to $4,430. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Fuhrman, seconded by Dronkert and passed <br />unanimously to adopt Resolution #28-85 approving addendum to agreement with <br />Gerald Ferrari for sewer construction reimbursement. <br />3. Ordinance #296 amending Article I of Chapter I entitled "Animals" of Title 6 <br />of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code (SECOND READING) (adding Section B4-14 <br />relating to animals and vehicles to the Animal Control Code) <br />MOTION SE03NDED AND CARRIED : Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Dronkert and passed <br />-unanimously to waive further reading of Ordinance #296. <br />Dronkert asked the City Attorney if the Town was required to be in conformity with <br />the County's animal ordinance. The City Attorney responded that if the Town wished <br />it could adopt its own animal control ordinance. <br />-4- <br />