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7/20/2015 4:36:51 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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*(Gross axil Net Area, Average Slope, Site Circle <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -April 17, 1965 Slope, Lot Unit Factor, Maxi=m Development Area, <br />Building Coverage Allowed, Existing Developnent <br />Area, Proposed Development Area, Existing Building <br />Coverage and P <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: Item l.b) T nd of Hao (continued)roposed Building Coverage.) <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Fuhr an and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to approve a special land use permit for the <br />Lands of Hao for a new residence having a height in excess of fifteen feet based <br />on the project's conformance with most of the guidelines for Ordinance #295 and the <br />design review criteria for Matadero Creek, particularly Clause 21, paragraph 3 <br />and 4 and Clause 22, paragraph 5. <br />AYES: Mayor Allison and Councilmembers Dronkert and Fuhmman <br />NOES: Councilmenber van Tamelen <br />ABSENT: Council+enhAr Rydell <br />C) LANDS OF MDIZION, Tract 6928, Lot #3 Westwind Way, request for approval <br />of a Special Iand Use Permit to allow a new residence and pool house <br />having a height in excess of fifteen feet. <br />The Staff Planner reported that the Site Developnent Committee reocamenled <br />approval of the proposed residence based on its confor ance with all the <br />guidelines for Ordinance 4295. <br />Allison and Dronkert congratulated Mrs. Morton for the outstanding design of the <br />house and its sensitivity to the conaunity. <br />MXION SEXDM ED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by F ukuman and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to approve a special land use permit, contingent <br />upon recordation of a parcel map for lot consolidation, for the Lards of Morton <br />(� for a new, residence having a height in excess of fifteen feet based on the project's <br />conformance with all of the guidelines for Ordinance #295. <br />Connussicner Ladnenbruch suggested a tabulation of all the special land use permits <br />including Council co lents pro and con and the basic figures used for each applica- <br />tion (i-,---MgArQ * Cc missioner Lachenbruch con anted this could provide a <br />good working mechanism for the formulation of future ordinances. (AMSIDID BY COUNCIL <br />5/1/85) <br />d) LANDS OF CREEKSIDE CO=, FILE TM. #11-84, Page Mill Road, request for <br />approval of Tentative Map and Negative Declaration (6 lots) <br />The Staff Planner referred to the staff report dated 4/12/85 which included the <br />Planning Co[mission's recommendation that the negative declaration for Lards of <br />Creekside Court be filed and the tentative map be approved subject to conditions <br />of approval. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Fuhrman to approve <br />the negative declaration with mitigation measures for the Lands of Creekside Court. <br />In view of the several questions regarding the conservation easement, Council <br />agreed to discuss the negative declaration and the tentative map for Lands of <br />Creekside Court as one issue before making a decision on the negative declaration. <br />MOTION SECXkIDID AMID CAR=: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Fuhz an and passed by <br />the following roll call vote to table the motion to approve the negative declaration <br />for Lards of Creekside Court. <br />AYES: Mayor Allison and CounCilMMbers Dronkert and Euhrman <br />NOES: Councilnonber van Tamelen <br />ABSENT: Ccuncibnmber Rydell <br />-5- <br />
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