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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY OD[NCIL KMITES - April 17, 1985 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: Item l.d) Lands of Creekside Court (continued): <br />VAW Mr. Robert Foulk, applicant, disagreed with the Planning Commission's recammnda- <br />tion of a 50' conservation easement along Matadero Creek. While he acknowledged <br />this was a riparian habitat, he expressed the opinion that 50' was excessive <br />and suggested a 20' conservation easement with appropriate plantings. <br />Mr. Clayton Bavor, 13816 Page Mill Road, strongly supported the conservation <br />easement as proposed by the Planning Commission. The easement would alleviate <br />the erosion problem, protect the animals and provide a mise buffer to the <br />neighboring properties. Mr. Bavor also questioned the placement of the pathway <br />along his property. He was particularly concerned about the erosion problem <br />and the impact on his privacy. <br />Barbara Trvon, member - Pathways Committee, reported that the slope had been a <br />deciding factor in placing the path. <br />Mrs. Raymond Handley, 13818 Page Mill Road, suggested that the placement of the <br />pathway should be the burden of the developer, not the present neighbors. <br />Mr. Richard Stark, 13686 Page Mill Road, concurred with Mrs. Hanlley's convents. <br />He also supported the conservation easement as proposed by the Planning Commission <br />and further suggested that a covenant be placed in the deed by the developer to <br />insure architecturally sensitive hones. <br />Mr. Edward Stewart, 27850 Limine Road, asked if Mr. Foulk would agree to future <br />sewer hook-ups. Mr. Foulk concurred, noting it would be along lot 5 on Faun Hill Ct. <br />Mr. Foulk, applicant, in response to questions concerning drainage, noted that <br />the drainage world all go to Fawn Hill Ct., not to the Bavor's property. Mr. <br />Foulk also commented that there would be architectural control of the property <br />and that he had agreed to the change of name from Creekside Court to Fawn Hill Ct. <br />MM70N SECONDED AND FA=: Moved by van. Tamelen, seconded by FUhrmsn and failed <br />by the following roll call vote to approve the conservation easement as proposed <br />by the Planning Commission. <br />AYES: COunlcilmuRwrs Fuhrnen and van Tamelen <br />WES: Mayor Allison and Coumilme bee Dronkert <br />ABSENT: Councilmemoer Rydell <br />Dronkert courented that in her opinion the conservation easement as recommended <br />by the Planning Comussion was not equitable to other properties in the Town. <br />MOTION FA= DUE TO LACK OF A SECOND: hbved by Dronkert to require a 30' con- <br />servation easement with a 50' setback for any structure. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to approve a 30' conservation easement for lot #6 <br />on one side and to the property line on the other side, with a 50' setback. <br />AYES: Mayor Allison and Ccuncilmembers Dronkert and Fuhnnan <br />NOES: Councilmember van Tamelen <br />ABSENT: Cbuncilmenber Rydell <br />
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