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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 17, 1985 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: Item l.d) Lands of Creekside Court (continued): <br />MOTION SECtlfIDID AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Fuhx and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to add Condition l.g as follows: 'The owner <br />shall dedicate a sanitary sewer easement on lot #5 between Fawn Hill Court and <br />the southerly property line of lot #5 to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. <br />This easement is to be on the easterly side of Matadero Creek and is for the <br />purpose of facilitating future sewer main extension to the Lupine Road area.' <br />PASSED BY NNSENSUS: In addition to Condition l.g, the following conditions <br />were amended and/or added by Council for the Lards of Creekside Court (naw known <br />as Fawn Hill Court): <br />Condition l.b: amended to read ". . . . . .vicinity of the present toe of bank <br />of Page Mull laud along lots 5 & 6. . . . . <br />Condition l.e: amended to read "The owner shall dedicate an open space and con- <br />servation easement along Matadero Creek. The cul-de-sac crossing shall be the <br />only impm ent allowed across Matadero Creek. On lot #6, the easement shall <br />extend from the easterly property line of lot #6 to a line 30 feet from the westerly <br />top of bank of the creek. On lot #5, the easement shall extend from a line 30 <br />feet easterly from the easterly top of the bank of the creek to the Page Mill <br />Farad right of way, enompassing the entire portion of lot #5 westerly of Matadero <br />Creek. No grading or vegetation clearance shall be allowed in the easenent, <br />except for agricultural use (without structures) in the portion of lot #5 between <br />Page Mill Road and a line 70 feet westerly from the westerly top of creek bank. <br />On lot #6, no structures shall be allowed within 50 feet of the westerly top of <br />bank of Matadem Creek." <br />Condition 2.a: amended to read .each residential structure and driveway <br />shall be developed by the applicant's geotechnical consultant. The site-specific. . <br />Condition 3.a: amended to read "The Omer shall construct a Type IID pathway along <br />the entire easement on Condition l.b and along the toe of the bank of Page Mill <br />Road, along the entire north edge of the proposed cul-de-sac frau Page Mill Road <br />to a point located between lots 2 and 3 to the satisfaction of the City Engineer <br />and the Pathway Com iuttee. The pathway should be separated from paved travelways <br />On Page Mill Road and Fawn Hill Court by at least 5' where practicable." <br />Condition 6.a: amended to read "Fawn Hill Court instead of Fawn Hill Road." <br />Condition 7.a: amended to read "Fawn Hill Court instead of Fawn Hill Road." <br />Condition 7.d.: amended to read ". . .These hydrants shall be installed as part <br />of the subdivision improvements." <br />Delete Conditions 7.f, 7.g, and 7.h. <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by FUhrman and passel <br />unnanimusly by all msnbers present to remove consideration of the negative <br />declaration from table. <br />L MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by PUhrman and passel <br />unamm usly by all medoers present to approve the negative declaration for the <br />Lands of Creekside Court (now known as Fawn Hill Court) with the mitigation measure <br />of a conservation easement. <br />-7- <br />