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CM COUNCIL, MIN= - April 17, 1985 <br />F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />1. Report on possible relocation of Los Altos Historic Building <br />The City Manager presented his report dated 4/12/85 which outlined the cost, <br />use and approval procedure related to the possible relocation of the house <br />under discussion. In part the report noted that the estimated cost would be <br />$23,299 and possible uses would be filing space for Tbwn records and improved <br />meeting areas for the Town committees. <br />Council accepted the City Manager's report and while not commtitting the Town <br />to any financial obligation, did direct staff to continue the administrative <br />permit process. <br />Mr. Frank Lloyd, owner of the Eschenbruecher douse, presented Council with <br />sole additrona-L rustoricai background on the Foae. <br />MXION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by van Tamelen and <br />passed unan;m usly by all menawrc present to adopt Resolution #34-85 setting <br />the time and place of public hearing on an application for a special land use <br />permit (Esdnenbruecher House - hearing scheduled for May 1, 1985) <br />Guidelines for Ordinance 0295 <br />van Tamelen requested a report from staff at the next meeting on her recamendation <br />that an additional guideline be added to those established for Ordinance #295 <br />which would eliminate the grandfather clause. <br />G. SPECIAL REPORTS: <br />1. Reports from Standing Counuttees: none <br />2. Reports from Fd Hoc Camdttees: none <br />3. Conments from the Council: <br />a) Allison - Request from E1 Camino Hospital District Corporation for <br />Council representative on Coumaity Roundtable to discuss the proposed <br />Continuing Care Retirement Center <br />PASS® BY NNSENSUS: To appoint Councilmenber Nan Fuhrman to the County <br />Roundtable to discuss the proposed Continuing Care Retirement Center. <br />b) Allison - 'Bottle Bill' <br />Allison asked the Council if they agreed a letter should be sent to Senator <br />Morgan supporting the 'Bottle Bill': Council agreed that expressions of support <br />on this matter should be done on an individual basis. <br />c) Allison - City Manager Review <br />Alli son noted that the six-month review of the City Manager's position was due. <br />y, It was agreed an Executive Session world be scheduled for the May 15, 1985 Council <br />meeting. <br />