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CITY COUNCIL D'WUTES - May 1, 1985 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: (continued) : <br />3. Resolution # approving and authorizing execution of agreement for <br />custodial services between the Town of Ins Altos Hills and <br />The City Manager noted that Council had before them three proposals for the <br />janitorial services for the Town Hall and Council Chambers. In the past these <br />services had been provided by a member of the Town's crew for $200/month. Should <br />the Council wish to continue to have one of the crew members provide these <br />janitorial services, the cost would be $220/month. Staff's reo merdation was <br />to select the mid -cost proposal from the three outside firms . <br />MDTION SECOMIDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Fuhrman and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to adopt Resolution #41-85 approving and <br />authorizing execution of agreement for custodial services between the Than of <br />Ica Altos Hills and Nickerson Brothers, Inc. (loo bid) <br />AYES: Mayor Dronkert and Councilmambers Fuhrman and van Tamelen <br />NOES: Councilmemher Rydell <br />ABSENT: Councilmenber Allison <br />4. Resolution #_setting the speed limits within the Town of Ins Altos Hills <br />The City Engineer presented his report dated 4/26/85 which included the <br />reomnren3ation that the Council approve a resolution setting the Town speed <br />limits lower than State speed limits. The resolution also contained the following <br />speed limit changes: Arastradero Road - 35/mph; E1 Monte (Foothill College Road <br />to easterly Town limits - 35/mph; Moody Road - 30/mph and Purissima Road (Elena to <br />Robleda) - 30/mph. The Safety ComLLttee concurred with this reoonmendation. <br />MOTION SECOM ED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Fubrman and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to adopt Resolution #42-85 decreasing State speed <br />limits on certain streets. <br />AYES: Mayor Dronkert and Ccuncilmembers Fuhrman and van Tamelen <br />LADES: Councilmember Rydell <br />ABSENT: Councilmenber Allison <br />MDrION SECDMIDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by FUhrman and passel <br />unanimously by all members present to go past the hour of adjournment of 11:30 p.m. <br />F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />1. Items Removed from Consent Calendar: <br />a) Approval of Minutes: April 17, 1985 <br />MOTION SECOMIDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Dronkert and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to approve the minutes of the 4/17/85 Council <br />meeting with the following amendments: gage three, Item B.S.c), paragraph #2, add <br />the following sentence: 'It was further agreed this docu ent world be recorded.'; <br />Page five, Item E.l.c) paragraph #4, should read: '. .used for each application <br />(Gross and Net Area, Average Slope, Site Circle Slope, Lot Unit Factor, Maximum <br />`. Development Area, Building Coverage Allowed, Existing Development Area, Proposed <br />Development Area, Existing Building Coverage and ProposeBuilding Coverage.. ... <br />era <br />