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CITY COUNCIL MINUPE4 - May 1, 1985 <br />6. F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Item. la) Approval of Minutes (continued): <br />�y AYES: Mayor Dronkert and Councilmember van Tamelen <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: councilmenbers Allison and Fuhrman <br />ABSTAIN: COUncil.member Rydell <br />b) LANDS OF BURKHARP/ZAPPE TA, FILE PM 08-84, Ia Paloma Road, request <br />for lot line adjustment <br />MITION SECONDED AMID CARRII9: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Dronkert and <br />passed by all n mbers present to waive fees for the variance for Lands of <br />Burkhart/Zappella. <br />MLYPION SEaWED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Fuhrman, seconded by van Tamelen and gassed <br />unanimously by all members present to concur with the Planning Cavnission's <br />approval of the lot line adjustment for Lands of Burkhart/Zappella, File PM #8-84, <br />La Palana Road. <br />C) LANDS OF TOM OF LOS ALTOS HILLS, FILE CUP #3-85, Fremont Road <br />(Historical Preserve Area), request for approval of conditional use <br />permit for administrative facilities. <br />The City Manager had requested that this item be removed frau the Consent Calendar <br />and discussed after the public hearing had been held for the special land use <br />permit for the lands of the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />4 Council took no action on this item which had been approved by the Planning <br />ir' Commission at their meeting on April 24, 1985. <br />Planning Commission Action on Subcommittee Report on Antennas <br />Staff reported that the Planning Commission at their meeting of April 10, 1985, <br />had adopted a notion recmuerding the Antenna Subcommittee report to the City <br />Council as an appropriate format for a future ordinance to be drafted by staff. <br />This report from the subcommittee is dated 3/7/85 and is on file at Town Hall. <br />MYTION SECONDED AMID CARRLED: Moved by Rydell, seconded by Fuhrman and passed <br />Unanimously by all members present to direct staff to prepare an ordinance on <br />antennas as recQmmexded by the antenna subcommittee. <br />3. Report on additional criteria for Ordinance #292 <br />The City Manager reported that van Tamelen had requested a staff evaluation of <br />including an additional criteria in Ordinance #295 which would deactivate what <br />is called the 'grandfather clause' in the NIDA ordinance. Staff suggested that <br />rather than creating a new Ordinance #295 cirteria deactivating the M)A <br />'grandfather clause', the Council may wish to direct staff to include an analysis <br />of the effect of the 'grandfather clause' with each special lard use permit <br />application evaluated. However, if Council wished to add an additional criteria, <br />the following wording was suggested:'Do not apply Los Altos Hills Municipal Code <br />Sections 9-5.502(c) and 9-5.502(d) to applications subject to Ordinance #295 <br />received after May 1, 1985. <br />M.0 <br />