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CITY NDNCIL MDXYIES - May 1, 1985 <br />F. UNFINISHED BUSrESS: Item 3. Additional Criteria for Ordinance #292 (continued): <br />`y M7TION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Rydell and gassed <br />by the following roll call vote to add the following criteria to the guidelines <br />for Ordinance #292: <br />b) Do not apply los Altos Hills Municipal Oode Sections 9-5.502(c) <br />and 9-5.502(d) to applications subject to Ordinance #295 received <br />after May 1, 1985. <br />AYES: Councilmmibers Fuhrman, Rydell and van Tamelen <br />NOES: Mayor Dronkert <br />ABSENT: 03uncilmamror Allison <br />+a� <br />1. Reports from Standing Committees: none <br />2. Reports from Ad Hoc Committees: <br />a) Heritage Preserve <br />van Tmelen reported that there was a possibility that the wood and labor mould <br />be donated for the shed. Fbr the nrment the Committee was waiting to see what <br />action was taken regarding the Eschenbruecher House. <br />b) Pot Luck Party <br />van Tafelen reported that July 19, 1985 had been set as the tentative date for <br />the pot luck. The thane was yet to be decided and there would be a raffel with <br />prizes donated by staff and committees. <br />3. Comments from Council: <br />a) Dronkert: Appointment of Town Historian <br />M TICN SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Fuhvnan, seconded by van Tamalen and passed <br />unanimously by all mein present to appoint Rosemary Msyerott Town Historian <br />for a period of two years. <br />Dronkert also thanked Mrs. Meyerott for her devoted years of service to the Town. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To request van Tamelen to describe the position of Town <br />Historian (e.g. duties, term of office) for consideration by the Council and <br />addition to the Standing Committee list. <br />b) Dronkert: Appointment of Exhibit Curator <br />Dronkert noted that in the past the south wall of the Council Chambers hal been <br />used as an exhibit space. She recommended reviving this use as a good way for the <br />Town to show the corks of local artists. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by F uhrman and passed <br />unanimously by all n*mbess present to appoint Marjorie Kellogg as exhibit curator <br />for a period of one year. <br />