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CITY COUNCIL NIINUPFS - May 15, 1985 <br />a. E. SPECIAL ORDERS: Item l.b) Lards of Town of Los Altos Hills (continued): <br />�V M TION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Puhmman and passed <br />unanimously to approve a special land use permit for the Lands of the Town of <br />Los Altos Hills to allow placement of a house at 26379 Fremont Road having a <br />height in excess of fifteen feet based on the project's conformance with all of <br />the guidelines for Ordinance #295. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Allison and <br />passed unanimously to create a sub -committee comprised of two Councilmenbers, <br />Ed Barnes and staff to work on the following regarding the Eschenbnnecher House: <br />form planning improvements, oversee fundraising efforts, work with neighbors <br />regarding siting and landscaping of }cruse, and report back to Council on these <br />issues. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To appoint Mary van Tanelen and Andrew Allison to this sub- <br />committee on the Eschenbruecher House. <br />C) LANDS OF TALLY HO SUBDIVISION, FILE TM #6-84, 26220 Moody Roar), request <br />for approval of negative declaration and tentative map (3 lots) <br />The Staff Planner referred to her staff report dated 5/9/85 which included the <br />the Planning Commission 'a recommendations that a negative declaration for the <br />above -referenced project be adopted and a tentative map subject to conditions <br />of approval be approved. In addition the Commission recommended a conditional <br />exception to Section 9-4.506(9) based on the finding that the property is <br />excessively steep and therefore the required information would have made the <br />map cluttered and illegible and to Section 9-4.506(36) based on the finding <br />that this information had been provided with a previous application. <br />Dronkert noted that there were several agreements required in the conditions of <br />approval and she inquirer) hon these agreements were handled and completed. The <br />City Manager noted that the agreements world be met prior to the recording of the <br />final map. The City Manager did suggest that due to the large number of agree- <br />ments, Council might consider adding on a condition which would require the <br />applicant to pay for the attorney's costs in preparing these agreements. <br />Mr. Bellucci, applicant, gave a brief background of this property, noting that <br />in 1979 the Town ERF—moption of buying the property under discussion. while <br />the Town did not do this, it resulted in Mr. Bellucci modifying the lots to <br />comply with the then new slope density requirements. Additionally, Mr. Bellucci <br />had in the past given the Town several acres of land and he felt that the proposed <br />condition concerning payment of legal costs of preparing the agreements was an <br />unfair one. <br />Council discussed the tentative map and conditions of approval for the Lands of <br />Tally Ho. In addition to the conditions, as approved by the Planning Commission, <br />Council also had before then a request by Mr. Bellucci to modify condition #4a and <br />the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of 4/24/85 which included the notation <br />that conditions 3.a, 3.b and 4.a were conditions from a previous subdivision of this <br />property (File TM #2104-79) <br />-4- <br />