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CTTY CWNCII, miNUTEs - May 15, 1985 <br />( E. SPECIAL ORDERS: Item l.e) Public Hearing - Lams of Tutttle (continued): <br />�r MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Fuhnman, seconded by Rydell and passed <br />unanimously to approve a special lard use permit for the Lands of Tuttle for a <br />new residence having a height in excess of fifteen feet based on the project's <br />conforma nce with the guidelines for Ordinance #295. <br />f) LANDS OF RICPIIID SR -MO, 27861 Black Mamtain Iniad, request for a <br />special lard use permit to allow for an addition to an existing <br />residence having a height in excess of fifteen feet. <br />The Staff Planner presented her 5/9/85 report which stated that the Site <br />Development Camnittee recanml'ded approval of the special lard use permit for <br />an addition to the existing house at 27861 Black Mountain Road. <br />Mr. Simko, applicant, in response to a question from van Tamelen, stated that <br />the overhead electrical wire could be undergroundel. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Fuhmman and passel <br />unanmcusly to approve a special land use permit for the Lards of Simko for an <br />addition to an existing residence having a height in excess of fifteen feet <br />based on the project's conformance with the guidelines for Ordinance #295. <br />2. Resolution # approving reversion of acreage of Lands of Morton <br />and parcel map (Tract 6928, Lot #3, Westwind Way) <br />The City Engineer reported that a condition of approval for the Morton's Site <br />Development Permit and Special Land Use Permit was the combination of their two <br />lots into one. The adoption of the resolution before Council and the recordation <br />of the parcel map would complete this condition of approval. <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Allison and passel <br />unanimously to adopt Resolution #52-85 approving reversion of acreage of Lands of <br />Marton and Parcel Map <br />F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />1. Processing of Use Permits: Inconsistencies <br />This item had been continued from the 9/17/85 Council meeting pending a report <br />from the Mayor, Chairman of the Planning Commission and City Manager. Plhile a <br />formal meeting on the subject had not been held, the Mayor and City Manager had <br />submitted a report dated 5/10/85 after informal discussions on the matter. This <br />report included the recommendation that the Planning Commission approve, deny or <br />refer to Council variances or conditional use permits and the Council would no <br />longer regularly review then. <br />MOTION FA= DUE TO LACK OF A SECOND: Allison proved that the City Attorney be <br />directed to prepare the necessary revisions to the Town's ordinances to implement <br />the Mayor's recd me dations. <br />