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CITY OOUNCII, NIDMTS - May 15, 1985 <br />UNFINISBED BUSINESS: Item 1 - Processing of Use Permits (continued): <br />rNIW van Tam_len expressed concerns about proposed policy regarding use permits and <br />it was agreed she would be given an opportunity to present her views on the <br />subject. <br />MITION SE=MED ASID CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Euhrmen and passed <br />unanimously to continue the item of policy regarding processing of use permits. <br />It was frothier agreed that Commissioner Siegel would ask the Planning Commission <br />at their next meeting for their opinion regarding the processing of use permits <br />and a report would be given at the next Council meeting. <br />M7TION MADE APED SEMMED: Moved by Allison and seconded by Dronkert to adopt <br />the policy that Council would no longer concur with Planning Comnission decisions <br />regarding conditional use permits and variances. <br />M7IION SECOMED APED CARRUM: Moved by Allison, seconded by Fuhmen and passed <br />unanimously to table the motion to adopt the policy that Council world no longer <br />concur with Planning Commission decisions regarding conditional use permits and <br />variances. <br />2. Items removed from the Consent Calendar: <br />a) Approval of Warrants <br />this item had been removed from the Consent Calendar by Mrs. Alma Flood who had <br />earlier in the evening left the Council Meeting and was therefore unavailable to <br />make her comments to the Council. <br />MITICN SBCONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanim mly to approve the warrants in the amount of $15,640.52. <br />b) LANDS OF SOUTH FORK ASSOC., File SA #6-84 (Site Approval) <br />van Tamelen cemented she had removed this item from the Consent Calendar peeling <br />the report from the Planning Cm ssion representative on the subject. van Tmelen <br />further noted that this was an older lot and would be affected by the 'grandfather <br />clause'. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To express concern to the Site Development Cwumittee <br />regarding grading on driveways being done ten feet from the property line. <br />M TION SEMMED APED CAYURIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Dronkert and passed <br />unanimously to approve Lands of South Fork Associates, File SA #6-84. <br />c) Issuance of Certificate of Compliance - Lands of Becker, Elena Foad <br />The City Engineer noted that the applicant had requested a certificate of crnr <br />pliance which would state that the lard was subdivided in conformance with <br />regulations existing at the time of subdivision. The City Engineer remmended <br />that the Council issue a certificate of ampliance and direct the City Clerk to <br />record said document. <br />bG <br />