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7/20/2015 4:43:37 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY ODUNCIL Mn UTES - May 15, 1985 <br />F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Item 2.c) Certificate of Compliance - Lands of Becker (continued) <br />�+ Council requested clarification of the wording in the certificate of ocupliance <br />specifically mentioning that the applicant could in all cases need to omply with <br />the Town 'a ordinances. <br />Linda Scott, applicant's representative, stated that their understanding was that <br />the certificate would apply to the subdivision of the property and would state <br />that there were three lots. <br />MITICN SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by van Tamel.en and passed <br />unanimously to continue the certificate of compliance for the Lands of Becker to <br />the next meeting pending receipt of a staff recomnendation on the wording of the <br />certificate. <br />a UALJ <br />1. Reports frau Standing Conutittees: cone <br />2. Reports from Ad Hoc Cauaittees: none <br />3. Convents from the Council: <br />a) van Tamelen: Cammmity Services Agency <br />van Tmnelen reported that the Com4micy Services Agency was holding a luncheon <br />on May 23, 1985 and all were invited to attend. <br />b) van Tamelen: IACC - Peninsula Division <br />van Tamelen reported on ACA 7 regarding nonpartisan offices which was currently <br />in the Assembly Committee on Elections and Reapportionment. The League of California <br />Cities was requesting support of this bill which reversed the California Supreme <br />Court decision that there was no provision in the Constitution or in the statutes <br />to prohibit a political party or party central oomnittee from endorsing, supporting, <br />or opposing a candidate for a nonpartisan office. <br />MOTION Si73kIDID AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unaninously to advise the League of California Cities of the Town's support of <br />ACA 7 regarding nonpartisan offices. <br />c) van Tamelen - Cortmmity Health Abuse Council <br />van Tamelen ccamented that CHAC was holding a tennis tournannnt on June 8-9, 1985 <br />at Los Altos High School with the proceeds to go to the O munity Health Abuse <br />Council. <br />MYTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Dronkert and passed <br />unanimously to approve the Tuan sponsoring George Scarborough and Kirsten Starr <br />in the CHAC tennis tournament at an entry fee cost of $35/couple to the Tum. <br />d) Allison - May IGC Meeting <br />Allison reported on the following subjects: 1) SB290 (Foran) - transportation <br />financing: at the next IGC meeting a motion would be considered stating I(C support <br />for the concept of Foran 'a tax bill; 2) appointments to Emergency Medical Health <br />Care; and 3) the Joint Transportation/IGC Meeting during which the future working <br />-8- <br />
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