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CITY COUNCIL MII•i[TPFS - May 15, 1985 <br />j G. SPECIAL 1F101US: Item 3.d) May IGC Meeting (continued): <br />♦r relationship of the two groups was discussed and it was agreed each would appoint <br />a representative to the other committee. Workshops were also held and background <br />doc rents are on file in the Council's office for reference. <br />MOTION SBMNDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by FUhrnan and passed <br />unanimously to support the concept of SB290 (Foran). <br />e) Allison - AB2020 (Margolin) - Bottle Bill <br />MJTION SDCONDED AND ChM=: Moved by Allison, seconded by Fuhrman and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to direct the Mayor to send a letter to IOC <br />expressing the Council's support of Assembly Bill 2020 by Assemblyman Burt Margolin. <br />AYES: CounciLmenbers Allison, Fuhrman, Rydell and van Tamelen <br />NOES: None <br />ABSTAIN: Mayor Dronkert <br />f) Dronkert - Proclamation: 'National Public Forks Week' - May 19-25, 1985 <br />It was agreed that the Council would continue their policy of not issuing <br />proclamations unless an issue is unique to the Tbwn or specifically requested <br />by a resident. <br />PASSED BY ODNSENSL6: Tb thank the Town's crew for the public corks they perform <br />c in the Town. <br />br g) Dronkert - agenda materials <br />Dronkert reminded Councilnxmbers to retain background documents of continual <br />agenda iters. <br />h) Dronkert - Torn Newsletter <br />PASS® BY CONSENSUS: Tb direct the Mayor to send a letter to Mike Myers thanking <br />him for all his work on the recent newsletter. <br />i) Dronkert - Small Cities Roundup <br />Dronkert reminded Council of the Small Cities Roundup scheduled for 6/20/85 which <br />would be a one -day workshop on 'prospecting for resources'. The deadline for <br />registration was June 10, 1985. <br />•�ac•�•� ��••,:. •� np w n • «a is <br />1. City Manager: <br />2. City Attorney: <br />-9- <br />