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CITY COUNCIL MUATfES - June 19, <br />1985 <br />H. SPECIAL REPORTS: Item 2. <br />Reports <br />from Ad Hoc Committees: <br />(continued): <br />b) Heritage Preserve: <br />Rosevmary Meverott reported that Mr. Wentz had offered a hay rack to the Preserve <br />but it would need to be moved by the crew within a week. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct staff to move hay rack from Wentz property to <br />the Preserve, to refer the mattes of donations to the Preserve to the Safety <br />Committee for a recommendation on the safety issue (signs on equipment placed <br />in the Preserve, etc.), and to ask the Town Historian to review all donations <br />of historical items to the Preserve. <br />•ma�•�v n••�a •v ns �_ �U� :�4A <br />1. City City Manager: <br />a) Warrant List - July 3, 1985 Council meeting <br />The City Manages noted that since the Finance Officer was on vacation, the <br />warrant list for the next meeting would be available Tuesday afternoon, 7/2/85. <br />b) &mall Cities Round Up <br />The City Manager reported that he would be attending the Small Cities Round Up <br />at U.C. Davis on Thursday, June 20, 1985. <br />2. City Attorney: <br />3. City Clerk: Report on Council Correspondence <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To accept the Report on Council Correspondence dated 6/14/85 <br />and on file at Town Hall. <br />4. Other: <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Allison, recorded by Rydell and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to go past the hour of adjournment to 12:30 a.m. <br />1. Los Altos Library Commission: <br />a) Request to form a Joint Powers Agreement with Los Altos <br />b) Request to continue to fund the library deficit <br />Judy Duque, Los Altos Library Commission addressed the Council concerning their <br />request for the Town to join with Los Altos in placing a library override tax <br />on the November ballot, to form a Joint Powers Agreement and to approve funding <br />of the library deficit until override monies became available if the measure passes. <br />Mrs. Duque noted that the funds generated would be used to restore and improve the <br />library services which had run at a deficit since 1979 and which had been sub- <br />sidized by the cities since 1982. <br />Janice Yee, Deputy County Librarian, cmuented that the matter of funding the <br />library deficit had been discussed by the Board of Supervisors; however, the <br />matter had been scheduled for their 6/24/85 meeting pending receipt of additional <br />information. <br />-10- <br />