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CITY COUNCIL MIN= - June 19, 1985 / <br />J. <br />NEW BUSINESS: Item 1 - Los Altos Library Commission (continued): <br />Dronkert reported that the Finance Committee had briefly discussed the mattes <br />of a tax override and did not support the idea. <br />MDPION SBC20ED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by Fuhrman and passel <br />by the following roll call vote to express Council intent to coordinate with <br />Los Altos to supplement library funding through formation of a Joint Powers <br />Agreement and to place a library override tax on the November ballot. <br />AYES: Mayor Dronkert and Councihrerbers Fuhrman and Rydell <br />NOES: Councilmember Allison <br />ABSENT: Councilmenber van Tammalen <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Dronkert and passed <br />by the following roll call vote that Los Altos Hills will not provide supplementary <br />fudning to corer the library deficit in the 1985-86 fiscal year. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To ask the Mayor to seal a letter to the Board of Supervisors <br />requesting that they consider funding the 1985-86 fiscal deficit and that they <br />explore means of providing increased overall funding for the libraries. <br />2. Request to add 'Old Page Mill Lane' to List of Designated Private Roads <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Fuhrman, and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to direct staff to initiate procedures necessary <br />to amend the 'Town ordinance designating private roads. <br />3. Request from Council of Aging for Town's participation in a Senior Profile <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Fuhrman and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to deny the request from the Council on Aging <br />for the Tom's participation in a Senior Profile. <br />AYES: Mayor Dronkert and Councilmmbers Allison and Fuhrman <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Councilmember van Tammelen <br />PRESENT: Councilmember Rydell <br />4. Request from Bullis School Parents for permanent stop sign at Burke and <br />Fremont <br />MYTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Dronkert and passel <br />unanimously by all members present to send this issue to the Safety Committee <br />for a recommendation and to reagenlize for Council consideration when the <br />Committee's recommendation is available. <br />5. Letter from Paul Noaack regarding waiver of variance fees for Martin J. Taaffe <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To continue consideration of this iten to the next council <br />meeting at the request of the applicant's representative. <br />-11- <br />