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CITY NUNCIL MIN= - June 19, 1985 <br />F. <br />SPECIAL ORDERS: Item l.b) Lands of Sayar (continued): <br />`. <br />Mr.Gary Gmrel, applicant's attorney and Mr. Sayar, applicant, addressed the <br />Council regarding their appeal of the decision bh' the Site Develop ent Committee. <br />They stated that the driveways had broth always been there as was evidenced by <br />Caltrans drawings from about 1958 and a letter written by the previous owner of <br />the property. They further noted that repair of the driveway had occurred but no <br />building of a new driveway. At one time they had received an incorrect shipment <br />of drain rock which could not be used for sewer drainfield cork they were doing <br />but could be spread on the existing driveway according to staff member, Cordon <br />Miller. <br />Council expressed concern over the incomplete doamients before than contenting <br />the background of this issue. Mayor Dronkert also had concerns about the role <br />of Site Development in changing existing development on a lot. <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Rydell, seconded by Dronkert and gassed <br />by the following roll call vote to uphold the Sayar's appeal of the Site Develop- <br />ment ccnmittee's decision regarding the driveway and to delete the condition <br />imposed by the Site Development C�ttee that one of the two driveway accesses <br />be abandoned within sixty days. <br />AYES: Mayor Dronkert and Council.menhers Fuhrman and Rydell <br />NOES: Councilmanber Allison <br />ABSENT: Council,emhPr van Tamelen <br />Allison stated for the record that he thought this was an outrageous decision. <br />` <br />�I <br />The applicants had clearly done exactly what they had wanted to do and Council <br />had concurred. <br />c) LANDS OF NOPiACR, Int #1, Country Way, request for a special land use <br />permit to allow construction of a new residence having a height in excess <br />of fifteen feet <br />The city Planner referred to her staff report dated 6/13/85 which stated that the <br />Site Development recommended approval of a special lard use permit for a new <br />residence at Lot #1, Country Way, but noted that nnn-conformance with guidelines <br />2.A and 2.B indicated that the proposed house should ideally be reduced in size. <br />Ken Pastrof, applicant's representative, stated that Mr. Nowack had been called <br />out of Town; however, he did know that Mr. Nowack was in agreement with the <br />6/13/85 staff report. <br />Planning Commissioner Lachenbruch stated that this application was in substantial <br />violation of the 'grandfather clause'. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND FAILED: Moved by Fuhrman, seconded by Rydell and failed by <br />the following roll call vote to approve a special land use permit for Lands of <br />Nowack for a new residence having a height in excess of fifteen feet based on the <br />Project's conformance with the guidelines for Ordinance #295. <br />AYES: Councilm inter Rydell <br />NOES: Mayor Dronkert and Councilmembers Allison and Fuhrman <br />ABSENT: Councilmanber van Tamelen <br />150 <br />