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CiTy oy=IL MRUTPS - June 19, 1985 <br />F. <br />SPECIAL ORDERS: Item l.c) Lands of Niowack (continued): <br />Ken Pastrof, applicant's representativeasked the Council why this application <br />was being denied. <br />Dronkert stated that based on the guideline regarding the 'grandfather clause' <br />the project was 800 square feet in excess of the building coverage allowed. <br />Allison stated that the proposed project would be in conflict with sections <br />(b) (ii) and (c) (iii) of the special land use permit ordinance. Fuhxman concurred <br />with the Site Development Ccamittee's statement that there was too march louse for <br />the size of the lot. <br />d) LVIDS OF POND, 11635 Jessica Lane, request for a special land use permit <br />to allow construction of a new residence having a height in excess of <br />fifteen feet <br />The City Planner referred to her 6/13/85 staff report which stated that the Site <br />Development Committee reoxmended approval of a special land use permit for a new <br />residence at 11635 Jessica Lane based on the project's substantial conformance <br />with the guidelines for Ordinance #295. <br />Mr. Noun Pond, applicant, camentel that they had designed the project to fit <br />in with its surroundings. He� lso-note4Hit! i ora-&wmvt�tls+ntttna-pre@eae�-gaol <br />Hapiravu to beIrod±f±ed ata -later date. (AMKCM BY COUNCIL - SEE BELOW * - 7/3/85) <br />MOTION SBO3NDED ASID CARRIED: Moved by Drankert, seconded by Allison and passed <br />unanimrs,sly by all meabexs present to approve a special land use permit for the <br />Lands of Pond for a new residence having a height in excess of fifteen feet based <br />on the project's conformance with the guidelines for Ordinance #295. <br />e) LANDS OF DEL CAFM, 13117 La Barranca, request for a special land use <br />permit to allow an addition having a height in excess of fifteen feet <br />The City Planner presented her staff report dated 6/13/85 which noted that this <br />application had not been subject to a site development permit. Staff recamended <br />approval of the special land use permit for the proposed addition based upon the <br />project's conformance with the guidelines for Ordinance #295. <br />Mr. Parise, IaBarranca and Elena, stated that he believed this project mould <br />obstruct his view and he was opposed to it. Council clarified what the special <br />land use permit process entailed and Mr. Parise concurred with the project after <br />receiving this information. <br />Mr. Del Carlo. applicant, noted that they had been concerned about the impact <br />on their neighbors' views; however, they had viewed the project from different <br />sites and were not aware of any visual impact. <br />MOTION SECOfIDID AND CARRIM: Moved by Allison, seconded by Fuhrman and passed <br />unanimously by all mmbers present to approve a special land use permit for the <br />Lards of Del Carlo for an addition having a height in excess of fifteen feet <br />based on the project's oonformance with the guidelines for Ordinance #295. <br />*Mr. Pond was advised by Council that possible charges to the site development and <br />zoning ordinances might make it difficult for him to have a pool in the future. <br />