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CITY Cj=IL MnNXn ti;W - June 19, 1985 <br />F. <br />SPECIAL ORDERS: Item 3. lands of Avila (continued): <br />Council expressed concern about the lack of information available to them <br />on this request to abandon the road right-of-way. They also questioned <br />whether any input had been received on this matter from the Pathways Committee. <br />mmoN SECONDED APA CARRIED: moved by Fuiluman, seconded by Dronkert and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to refer the request for abandonment of the <br />road right-of-way from Mr. Avila to the next Council meeting for receipt of <br />additional information and report fon the Pathways Committee. <br />4. Resolution #Lapproving final subdivision map, LANDS OF AVILA, Elena Road <br />MOTION SECONDED APED CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Fubr an and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to continue this item to the next Council <br />meeting. <br />Don Avila, applicant, stated that the abandonment issue was discussed at length <br />at the Tentative Map stage. He was not particularly interested in the abandonment <br />of the lard and was willing to withdraw his request. <br />MOTION S]cw= APED CARRIED: Moved by Fuhrman, seconded by Allison and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to rescind the motion to continue the request <br />to abandon road right -of -ray by Mr. Avila to the next meeting. <br />MOTION SECONDED APED CARRIED: Mrnred by Allison, seconded by Dronkert and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to adopt Resolution #66-85 approving final <br />` <br />v <br />subdivision map. <br />5. Resolution # approving and authorizing execution of private road <br />maintenance agreement between Don J. Avila and Gay Lynne Avila and the <br />City of the Town of Ins Altso Hills, and ordering recordation thereof <br />(Lands of Avila, Elena Road) <br />MOTION SEOCtMED APED CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Rydell and passed <br />unanimously by all meters present to adopt Resolution #67-85 approving and <br />authorizing execution of private road maintenance agreement between Don J. Avila <br />and Gay Lynne Avila and the City of the Town of We Altos Hills, and ordering <br />recordation thereof (Lands of Avila, Elena road) <br />6. Resolution # approving and authorizing execution of an agreement <br />relinquishing tEe privilege of obtaining variances between the City of the <br />Tuan of Los Altos Hills, Lynn W. Hunton, Jr. and Martha B. Hunton, and <br />ordering recordation thereof. <br />Staff noted that on 4/17/85 a lot line adjustment had been approved for the Lards <br />of Hunton. At that time the applicant had agreed to participate in an agreement <br />which world preclude future requests for variances. <br />MOTION SEOkIDED APED CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Rydell and passed by <br />the following roll call vote to adopt Resolution #68-85 approving and authorizing <br />execution of an agreement relinquishing the privilege of obtaining variances <br />between the City of the Tran of Los Altos Hills, Lynn Wood Hunton and Martha <br />�► <br />Isabelle Hunton, as Trustees, and ordering recordation thereof. <br />AYES: Mayor Dronkert and Councilmebers Allison and Rydell <br />PAPS: None <br />ABSENT: Mayor Pro Ten Furhz an and Camcilme mer van Tamelen <br />_7- <br />