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CITY CD(MIL MINUTES - July 17, 1985 <br />H. SPECIAL REPORTS: (continued): <br />�w 3. Com ants from the Council: <br />a) Allison: caamnts on the report entitled "FYnployee Projections for <br />Santa Clara County" <br />PASSED BY 03NSENSUS: To continue this item to the next meeting at the request of <br />Councilmenber Allison <br />b) Allison: El Retiro <br />Allison expressed concern about the development of the El Retim project and <br />asked for a status report on the matter. <br />Jean Struthers, Planning Commissioner, stated that several groups in Ins Altos were <br />very concerned about the Ef Retim project, particularly as it related to the <br />natural habitat of Adobe Creek. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the Mayor to send a letter to Ins Altos requesting <br />a status report on the El Retim project and expressing the Council's concern about <br />the density and bulk of the development near the boundaries of the project. <br />C) Dronkert: "Bottle Bill" <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the Mayor to send a letter to Assenblyman Xonnyu <br />` expressing the Council's disappointment in his recent statements concerning the <br />'bottle bill' and asking that he either: 1) support AB2020 (Bottle Bill); 2) allocate <br />State funds to assist local governments' cleanup efforts; or 3) join the Mayor on <br />E1 Monte Road with a large burlap sack which they will fill with bottles and other <br />trash. <br />d) van Tamelen: Counittee to Review Canmittee Structure <br />van Tamelen noted that there had been some recent discussion about canbining and <br />reorganizing the Tam's o mmittees. She was suggesting at this time that Council <br />approve a oani.ttee to review these suggestions for restructuring the amnittees. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To appoint a mmdttee to review committees cmprised of <br />Councilmenber van Tamelen and Barbara Tryon, with a Planning Ce ssion representative <br />to be chosen by CouncilmsT er van Tamelen. <br />'Yve�4a0:4a:g9wY2'.5�4:a0&I@P�:« l�i� :.�`�;� yauia�Y4. <br />1. City Manager: <br />a) Adjourned Regular Council Meeting <br />The City Manager suggested Council consider an Adjourned Regular Council Meeting to <br />discuss the planning require ants for the disaster victims, the Library JPA and <br />possibly the scheduling of special land use permit public hearings. Council concurred <br />and it was agreed an Adjourned Regular Meeting would be scheduled for Wednesday, <br />July 29, 1985 at 3:30 p.m. <br />moo <br />