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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - July 17, 1985 <br />I. STAFF - REAORTS, CORRESPONDENCE AND ANOUNCENENTS: 1. City Manager (continued): <br />b) Letter from Mr. Carnes concerning fire and eucalyptus trees <br />The City Manager, in response to a question from Council concerning Mr. Carnes' <br />request for removal of all fire damaged eucalyptus trees, stated that an arborist <br />should be contacted to look at the trees and provide an estimate to the Town of the <br />cost of removing them. <br />PASSED BY COFLSENSUS: To direct staff to get an estimate from an arborist for the <br />removal of the fire damaged trees. If the estimate is more than $500 the City <br />Manager is requested to return to Council for approval. <br />2. City Attorney: <br />3. City Clerk- Report on Council Correspondence <br />The Report on Council Correspondence dated 7/12/85 was received by the Council. It <br />was noted that the 7/4/85 letter from Mrs. Grinch and Mrs. Gross should be sent <br />to the Ad Hoc July 1 Disaster Ca[mittee. <br />4. Other: <br />a) Assistant Staff Planner: Changes in Design of structure after Special <br />Lard Use Permit Issuance <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Fuhrman and gassed <br />unanimously to go past the continued hour of adjour went to 1:00 a.m. <br />Lori Scott asked the Council if an applicant mist receive a new special land use <br />permit if changes are made in the plans that affect the height and/or bulk of a <br />structure after a special land use permit has been approved. This request for a <br />policy decision was being made because an applicant (Lands of Munsey Development/ <br />Feistel) had changed their plans after approval. <br />MOTION SDOONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Allison and passed <br />unanimously that any change in plans for a special land use permit resulting in <br />over one foot in height and over fifteen feet in bulk would require reconsideration <br />by the Council. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To delete Item C.3.d) - Resolution setting the time and place <br />of public hearing on an application for a special land use permit for the Lands of <br />Feistel, 26000 Elena Rad - as it was not required per Council's policy decision <br />regarding modifications to plans. <br />J. NEW BUSINESS: <br />1. Mrs. Gallo's letter dated 7/12/85 concerning questions on zoning and the 'Save <br />Open Space' Petition <br />Mrs. Mildred Gallo, 25720 raLanne Court, stated that she had signed the 'Save Open <br />Space' Petition as a last ditch -afro-rt to save open space. In her opinion the trend <br />toward huge hares was hardly keeping with the rural atmosphere. Mrs. Gallo further <br />stated that it was appropriate that this matter be decided upon by the vote of the <br />people. <br />ore <br />
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