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CITY COUNCII. MDXMP - July 17, 1985 <br />NEW BUSINESS: (continued) : <br />`, The following is an outline of the statement made by the City Attorney in response <br />to Mrs. Gallo's letter and to questions from the Council: At the present time there <br />is allowed in a single family residential district a non-profit recreational use <br />with a use permit issued by the 'down. At the present time, recreational facilities <br />allowed with a use permit include recreational or community center buildings and <br />grounds for games and sports except for those customarily carried on for profit. <br />There can be a problem regulating what can happen with a non-profit organization. <br />L19 <br />In response to a question from Mayor Dronkert, the City Attorney stated that as he <br />read the initiative petition the Tom could no longer have control over such issues <br />as traffic, roads, drainage, hours, lights and membership. The Town would be able <br />to insist on evidence that the club was operated by a non-profit organization. <br />As written the proposed initiative ordinance would allow anybody with a 15 acre <br />site to establish a non-profit recreational facility without any control of same <br />by the Town through the requiremnt for a conditional use permit. In addition the <br />petition is not limited to the Adobe Creek lodge site. <br />Mrs. Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, stated that she had received several <br />mailings recently on the petition and she felt this was not only confusing but <br />bordered on harassment. Mrs. Bertram also related her experience at Town Hall <br />concerning permits and stated that, in her opinion, permits were processed in a <br />very timely mariner by the Tom if the rules and regulations were properly followed. <br />K. ADJOUIOUQM: <br />There being no further new or old business to discuss, the City Council adjourned <br />at 1:00 a.m. to an Adjourned Regular Meeting at 3:30 p.m, on July 24, 1985. <br />-13- <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Patricia Dual, City Clerk <br />