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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - July 17, 1985 <br />SPECIAL ORDERS: Item 9. Lands of Nowack (continued): <br />�r M:)TICN SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Flnhmran, seconded by van Tamelen and gassed <br />unanim+usly to go past the hour of adjournment to 12:30 a.m. <br />Paul Nowack, applicant, apologized for not being present at the previous two public <br />hearings on this matter. In view of the positive staff report, he had not felt there <br />were any problems. Mr. Nowack presented background information on his purchase of <br />the lot and he went through the guidelines for Ordinance 4295 and how, in his opinion, <br />his project conformed to these guidelines. Mr. Nowack also explained the position <br />of the creek on the property relative to the proposed house. <br />Mr. Herbert Kaiser, applicant's attorney, stated that his applicant would be pleased <br />to answer any questions Counci icon had concerning this project. Mr. <br />Kaiser also cremmnted that, in his opinion, certain sections of the guidelines were <br />vague and he did not feel that the Council had substantial evidence for denying the <br />project. In conclusion he asked if this matter could be continued for two weeks to <br />give his applicant the opportunity to meet with staff and possibly Councilneabers to <br />discuss this project, to work through the problems and to hopefully arrive at a <br />solution. <br />The City Attorney referred to his mero on the subject dated 7/11/85 which listed the <br />matters which the Council needed to consider regarding this application. The City <br />Attorney's memo also stated that the Council was required to base its vote on certain <br />findings. In conclusion, the City Attorney noted that the burden of supporting <br />evidence for an application was the responsibility of the applicant. <br />4. Allison reiterated why the urgency ordinance was put in place and again stated his <br />v reasons why he did not think this project conformed to the guidelines of Ordinance <br />#295. Dronkert referred to discrepancies on the map before then and requested clarifi- <br />cation of the location of the house and the contours of the property. She did not <br />agree that the project met the conditions of siting as stated by the Site Developnent <br />Carmittee. Fuhrnan also coennanted on the inaccuracy of the maps before then. <br />The Planning Commissioner noted that the drawings before them did not amply with <br />Site Development conditions and again stated his opinion that the proposed house <br />was too much development for the lot. He also noted that the Department of Fish and <br />Game had stated certain easements should be maintained; however, the proposed house <br />was taking up a large area of the lot. <br />M7rION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by van Tamalen, seconded by Puy an and passed <br />unanimously to continue the request from Lands of Nvwack for a special lard use <br />pe2mdt to the next Council meeting. <br />PASSED BY COMMUS: To direct staff to meet with the applicant and his attorney <br />to discuss the request for a special land use permit, to direct applicant to provide <br />up-to-date, correct materials on the project and to request any Councilmenters having <br />questions on this matter to give their input to staff prior to the meeting. Dronkert <br />also requested that Cm nissioner Iachenbruch be present at the meeting and van Tm elen <br />suggested that the Site Development Cmvittee be present. <br />4 -8- <br />
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