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CITY COUNCIL MnUTES - July 17, 1985 <br />G. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />�. 1. Request from Heart Association for waiver of fees <br />MOTION SBOOMID AMID CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Dronkert and <br />gassed by the following roll call vote to grant the request from the Heart <br />Association for a waiver of fees for the Council agendas. <br />AYES: Mayor Dronkert and councilmembers Fiilarnan, Rydell and van Tamelen <br />NOES: CouncilnEmb er Allison <br />2. Request from Westwind Barn for sign display <br />Jo chamberlain, President - Westwind Barn, presented Council with a _picture of <br />e sign they wanted to place on the Sarn advertising their hoedown. The new <br />sign was 4'x20' with brown lettering on a white background. <br />MOTION SECOM ED AMID CARRIM: Moved by Allison, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanimously to approve the request from Westwind to place a sign 4'x20' on their <br />barn for a period not to exceed three weeks before the hoedown. <br />3. Motion to continue local emergency resolution <br />MOTION SECOMED AMID CAPJ=: Moved by Allison, seconded by Fuhrmran and passed <br />unanimously to continue the local emergency resolution until there was a Presidential <br />declaration of the disaster status of Santa Clara County. <br />t,. 4. Ita:s Removed from Consent Calendar: <br />a) Approval of Minutes: July 3, 1985 <br />Fuhman noted that she had removed the minutes from the Consent calendar because <br />she had not been present at the 7/3/85 meeting and wished to abstain fron voting on <br />them. <br />MDTION SECOM ED AMID CAI=: Moved by Allison, seconded by Rydell and passed unani- <br />mously (with Fuhramian abstaining) to approve the minutes of the 7/3/85 Council <br />meeting with the following amendment: page 3, Item G.l.a), second motion should <br />read: 'MOTION SEOOWID AMID FA=: Moved by Fuhrn and seconded by Hycdell to approve <br />a special lard use permit for Isnrds of Nowack for a new residence having a height in <br />excess of fifteen feet based on the project's conformance with the guidelines for <br />Ordinance #295. The reconsidered notion failed the following roll call vote. . <br />b) Approval of Warrants: $33,633 <br />MYTICb SEMNDID AMID CARIUM; Moved by Dxonkert, seconded by FUuman and passed by <br />the following roll call vote to add a supplemental payment to Tim Hilleary to the <br />warrant list, of an amount not to exceed $25,000, at which time staff had determined <br />that the material submitted by Mr. Hilleary was adequate. <br />AYES: Mayor D.ronkert and Councilmembers Allison, FUhrman and Rydell <br />NOES: None <br />PRESENT: Councilmember van Tamelen <br />MDTIQV SECOfIDID AMID CARR]FD: Moved by FlilrrmHan, recorded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanimously to approve the warrant list dated 7/3/85 including the supplemental <br />payment to Mr. Hilleary. <br />SD <br />