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`7 <br />= COUNCIL MIN[TPFS - August 21, 1985 <br />G. SPECIAL REPORTS: Iten 3.a) SB300 (continued): <br />PASSED BY OONSE11SUS: To direct the Mayor to respond to the City of Bellflowar <br />stating that while the Town shares their concerns regarding tax increases, they <br />had supported SB300 due to the critical need for highway funding and based on the <br />position that those who use the highways should pay for then. <br />b) Allison: Consideration of cost of disposing of garbage in Mt. View <br />Allison questioned the amount of coney the Town is paying to Mt. View in view of <br />the recently negotiated anounnt for similar service in San Jose. He also requested <br />a staff report frau the City Attorney on the subject with particular reference to <br />a justification of the amounts involved in the contract. <br />The City Manager and City Attorney responded that the Town could not end its <br />agreement with the City of Mountain View while it (the Town) still had a capacity <br />cmudbrent. It was possible that if one of the other cities involved wished to <br />assume our capacity commitment, the Tuan could earl the contract with Mt. View. <br />The Manager suggested the alternatives and long-range solutions be reviewed and <br />he also suggested the formation of an ad hoc committee to review the solid waste issue. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To place consideration of the establishment of an ad hoc <br />coamittee on solid waste on the next Council agenda. <br />H. STAFF - REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE AND ANDUUNC1PENT'S: <br />1. City Manager: <br />a) Insurance Coverage <br />The City Manager advised the Council that he had been notified by Flamer and <br />Companythat the Town's primary liability insurance coverage was being cancelled <br />effective NovaTber, 1985. He would notify Council as development occurzei regarding <br />this issue. <br />b) California Conservation Corps <br />The City Manager notified Council that the CCC had begun the clean up of the <br />Liddicoat area of Town today. Ivs Altos and Palo Alto had loaned the Town chainsaws <br />the Ios Altos Garbage Company had provided a garbage container at the site. <br />c) Fire Damaged House on Fremont <br />The City Manager reported that the owners had been served notice the beginning <br />of August that they had thirty days to clean up the property. He would keep <br />Council advised of the status of this property. <br />d) Eucalyptus trees on Townes ned -and a -d 'ids of Carne <br />The City Manager reported that a report on this matter would be presented to the <br />Council at their 9/9185 meeting. <br />-5- <br />