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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - Septembers 18, 1985 <br />E. SPECIAL ORDERS: 1. Public Hearings (continue]): <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the City Manager to report at the next City <br />Council Meeting on the secondary unit policy. <br />e) LANDS OF SIL.INS, FILE TM #1-85, request for approval of negative declaration <br />and tentative map (Lupine Road - 2 lots) <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Rydell and passed unani- <br />mously by all menbers present to approve the negative declaration for the Lands of <br />Silins, File TM #1-85, Lupine Road. <br />Mr. Paul Nowack, applicant's engineer, explained there were separate driveways due <br />to the requiramnt for an emergency access road. The driveway would be the fire road. <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by FUhnnan, seconded by Rydell and passed unani- <br />mously by all members present to adopt Resolution #128-85 approving tentative map <br />for Iands of Silins, File TM #1-85, Lupine Road. <br />f) Ordinance # mending Chapter 5 entitled "Zoning" of Title 9 of the Los <br />Altos Hills Municipal Code to amend Article 2 thereof entitled "Definitions" <br />to add Article 9 thereto entitled "Site Development", and to amend Article 12 <br />thereof entitled "Administration and Enforcarent". <br />Council had before thein the draft site development ordinance and staff report from <br />the Town Planner dated 9/11/85. In addition to the staff recomierdations, the <br />following mments and/or suggestions were made by Council and staff: 1) Official <br />Plan Line to remain at staff discretion; 2) A definition of three foot gaps be included; <br />3) page 7: (a) . . .The Zoning Administrator or designee. . .; 4) page 7: (1) delete <br />the word 'satellite'; 5) page 20: (c) delete the words 'of sunlight'; and 6) page 25: <br />delete the last sentence and replace with the following - 'Outdoor lights shall be <br />shielded so they're not directly visible from off-site'. <br />Jean Stxvthers, Plannrning Csmmissioner, on the section on outdoor lighting, suggested <br />Oi y�ni `irnct lige <br />Mary Stutz, Chairman - Pathways Canmittee, noted that the Path and Trail Element was <br />in the General Plan but was not in the site development ordinance. It was agreed <br />she would report on this directly to Nancy. <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Fuhr an and passed unani- <br />mously by all members present to approve the four staff reconmendations as stated in <br />the Town Planner's 9/11/85 staff report with the following additions and/or corrections: <br />1) should include a definition of 'Site Developrent Authority' and 3) the word <br />'excavating' should replace the word 'cutting' and the public hearing on the site <br />develoMent ordinance should be continued to the next Council meeting. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: Council anmended Lori Scott, Planning Consultant, for her <br />excellent and clear presentation of the revisions to codification of Title 9 as <br />stated in her 9/9/85 report to the City Manager. <br />-4- <br />