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CITY COUNCIL KDVMS - September 18, 1985 <br />F. UNFINISHED BUSngESS: <br />1. Items Removed from the Consent Calendar: <br />a) Approval of Minutes: September 4, 1985 <br />NCTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Paved by FUhnman, seconded by Allison and passel <br />unanimously by all members present to approve the minutes of the September 4, <br />1985 Council Meeting with the following corrections: the following statement to <br />be included at the beginning of the minutes: 'Frank B. Duveneck died on Monday. <br />This community will never again experience the kind of sharing and caring that <br />was the total life of the Duvenecks - sharing their tome and lard, caring for that <br />land and for all people. I call the meeting to order in honor of Frank B. Duvereck.; <br />page 7: Item 2.a) 4th paragraph, amended to read - . , whether or not to <br />roadside spray ten feet beyond the pavement.'; page 7, Item 2.b) 1st paragraph amended <br />to read - . .members who resign should be required to resign directly to the <br />Council by letter.; page 6, Item J.1 amended to read as follows - . .unanimously <br />to substitute the Christmas Eve Holiday for the Admission Day Holiday.' <br />b) LAMS OF HDBLFS, FILE SA #5-85, 14463 Liddicoat Circle, request for approval <br />of site approval <br />Mr. Robles, applicant, stated that he removed this item from the Consent Calendar <br />because he was opposed to Conditions 1.A and 1.B as added by the Planning Commission <br />at their 9/11/85 meeting and he was requesting that Council delete these two conditions. <br />Mr. Robles stated that in lieu of a pathway easement he would be willing to deed a 10' <br />easement to the Tuan. He also stated that neighboring lots had received site approvals <br />{,. some time ago and had not been required to dedicate conservation easements. Mr. <br />Robles further stated that he felt his use of the conservation easement would be <br />extremely restricted and that the value of his property would be lessened. <br />Mr. Michael Hu, 3791 Ross Road, Palo Alto, stated that he was planning to purchase <br />the land from Mr. Robles and he too 0 i- ted to conditions 1.A and 1.B for the same <br />reasons as expressed by Mr. Robles. <br />Council and staff discussed the history of pathway and conservations easements in <br />the Tuan and staff noted that there was the possibility of a covenant running with <br />the land. <br />Mary Stutz, Chairman - Pathways Committee, concurred with condition 1.A which <br />required a wide Pathway easement ong the northerly property line along 280. <br />She noted that until all the other property owners and Stanford were a part of <br />the pathway, the path would not be used. <br />John Riley, applicant's engineer, stated that it was his opinion the conservation <br />easement was like a b ark as to whit could be taken away frau the property owner <br />whereas a covenant would state specifically what could be done. <br />Mri'ION FA= DDE TO IACK OF A SECOND: Moved by Allison to approve oonlition 1.A <br />'The owner shall dedicate a ten foot (10') wide pathway easement along the northerly <br />property line (along 1-280), to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the <br />Pathway Committee.' <br />PAS= BY CONSENSUS: To concur with the applicant's request to continue consideration <br />of this item to the next Council meeting. <br />-5- <br />