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4/20/2016 1:50:52 PM
Creation date
7/20/2015 4:55:31 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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CTTY NUNCIL MIlVUlE.SS - October 2, 1985 <br />4 1. LANDS OF ROBLES, FILE SA #5-85, 14463 Liddicoat Circle, request for approval <br />of site approval <br />The City Planner noted that this matter had been on the 9/18/85 Council agenda <br />and had been continued to the 10/2/85 meeting at the request of the applicant. <br />Mr. Robles had expressed concerns about certain of the conditions recounended <br />by the Planning Camrission, particularly concerning the conservation easement. <br />Mr. Robles, applicant, concurred with the staff's suggestion that condition 2.D <br />of the Conditions of Approval be recorded as a separate covenant and that the <br />conservation easarient be defined by physical attributes. Mr. Robles further <br />stated that he had no plans to remove any trees in the conservation easement <br />and would hope to be able to use it for grazing purposes. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To amend condition 1.B., first sentence to read: "The owner <br />shall dedicate to the Town a Conservation Easement to include all the lot from a <br />point on the easterly boundary at the 320 contour line and westerly parallel to <br />the northern boundary at the 10" oak to the 14" oak. <br />NOTION SEC=ED APED CARRIED: hovel by van Tamelen, seconded by Rydell and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to add the following sentence to Condition 1.B <br />after the second sentence: "Enclosed drainage facilities shall be allowed in the <br />conservation easement and facilities as required by Site Development for the con- <br />struction and maintenance of said drainage facilities shall be allowed in the con- <br />servation easement." <br />MYTIGN SECONDED APED CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Rydell and passed <br />unanimously by all menbers present to insert the word 'other' in the following <br />sentence of Ocnditon 1.B.: "No other grading, clearing or structures shall be <br />allowed within the Conservation Easement." <br />MOTION SE DNDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Rydell and passed <br />unanimously by all :embers present to require Condition 2.D be drawn up as a <br />covenant and recorded. <br />MOTION SECONDED APED CARRIED: Moved by Rydell, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanimously by all maTbers present to approve Iards of Robles, File SA #5-85, <br />with conditions of approval as recommnded by the Planning Ccumissian and amended <br />by Council. <br />2. Report on offer of dedication from residents of private portion of Vista Del <br />Valle Court <br />The City Manager presented his 9126/85 report which included the reoomrendation <br />that Council establish a general policy that the Town will not accept dedication <br />of existing private roads with the following two exceptions: 1) private roads that <br />service a large number of residents and therefore maintenance of the mad is of <br />significant value to the general public; and 2) private mads where the ownership <br />is mixed public and private and where there is a resulting difficulty in establishing <br />maintenance responsibility. <br />-5- <br />
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