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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - October 16, 1985 <br />G. SPECIAL REPORTS: <br />1. Reports from Standing Coimiittees: <br />2. Reports from Ad Hoc Cmiittees: <br />a) Town Orchardist <br />van Tamelen, in connection with the establishment of the Heritage Ad Hoc Committee, <br />suggested that the Mayor be authorized to ask Mr. Clarence Maurer to be the Town's <br />Official Orchardist in Residence. <br />MOTION SDCOMED AMID CAIIII=: Moved by Allison, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanimously to authorize the Mayor to ask Mr. Clarence Maurer to be the Town 'a <br />official Orchardist in Residence, with the duties of overseeing the trees and the <br />responsibility of advice and possible help with their care and maintenance. <br />b) Los Altos Chamber of Comierce <br />Dron kert noted that the Town was a nx mber of the los Altos Chamber of Comrerce <br />and we did take part in certain joint mmunity activities. Since this was the <br />case, she suggested it would be appropriate to appoint an official Town representative. <br />M7TION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Fuhrman and passel <br />unanimously to appoint Edward Barnes as the official Tum representative to the Ins <br />Altos Chamber of Cc[ ce. <br />c) Heritage Ommittee <br />Fkhnman presented a report on the 9/25/85 meeting of the Heritage Ocarnittee. This <br />report which is on file at Tb m Hall detailed at saw length the details of the <br />placanent of the house which have received attention and those which need to be <br />done in the future. In connection with the comient that the Tbwn could receive a <br />landscaping plan for the house at no cost, van Tamelen stated that these should be <br />an Overall plan for the project and it should not be done in a piecemeal fashion. <br />Dronkert thanked Fuhrman for her work on this committee and Dave Linebarger, Building <br />Official, for all of his work on the house. <br />PASSED BY CUNSPNSUS: Council approval would be required for any structural changes <br />to the Heritage House, for example the moving of walls, doors, etc. <br />d) Festival of Lights - October 20, 1985 Run <br />Ryden suggested that Mr. Barnes, as the official Tran representative to the Los <br />Altos Chamber of Commerce, clarify with the Festival of Lights Association why <br />the Hills was not nentionel in any publicity for this run. It was the understanding <br />that this run was a joint camuhity effort. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: Tb designate Councilnimhcr Ryden as the official representative <br />of the Town in the 10/20/85 Run and to authorize Town payment of the $10 entry fee <br />for Mr. Ryden. <br />V <br />
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