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CITY OX14CIL MINUTES - October 16, 1985 <br />G. SPECIAL REPORTS: (continued): <br />3. Qxaents from the Council: <br />a) van Tamelen: Joint Awards Committee <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To appoint a subttee, Mary van Tamelen and Judy Carico, <br />to make nominations for recipients of the Joint Comnmity Awards. <br />b) van Tamelen: Peninsula Division - League of California Cities <br />van Tamelen noted that there would be no increase in the dues structure for the <br />Peninsula Division. The dues for the Town would ruin at $10/year. <br />C) Drunkest: reorganization of Council liaisons to committees <br />Dronkert reported that since two committees had been merged in the newly organized <br />committee structure, changes were required concerning Council liaison appointments. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: van Tamelen world be the Council liaison to the Environmental <br />Design and Protection Committee. <br />d) Dronkert: Peninsula Division Meeting 10/24/85 <br />It. was noted that van Tamelen would be attending the 10/24/85 meeting of the Peninsula <br />Division of the League of California Cities. <br />e) Dronkert: resignation of Assistant City Attorney <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To approve the Mayor suing a letter to Mr. William Hughes <br />accepting his resignation as Assistant City Attorney and thanking.lim for his services <br />to the Town. <br />H. STAFF - REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNDUNCQ4ENt'S: <br />1. City Manager: <br />a) Report on financial impact and work plan of the agreement with Martin <br />Carpenter Associates <br />The City Manager referred to his 10/11/85 staff report which included the estimates <br />that the Martin Carpenter costs associated with the revisions to the zoning ordinance <br />and the housing element would total $6,057 with an additional $600 required for the <br />development of a good base line map. <br />Rydell asked if a schedule of target dates for the planning projects could be put <br />together. The City Manager responded that this could be done and a report will be <br />given at the next meeting. <br />b) Town Hall's Heating System <br />Noting that recently the pipes burst at Torun Hall connected with the heating system, <br />the City Manager reported that part of the carpet would be replaced including a heavier <br />Lpad. The options of replacing the radiant heating or putting in forced air heating <br />�/ were being reviewed. <br />-7- <br />