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CITY ODUNCIL MINUTES October 16, 1985 <br />H. STAFF - REPORT'S, CORRESPOME 7CE AND AMJaNC'EMUM: (continued) : <br />2. City Attorney: <br />3. City Clerk: Report on Council Correspondence <br />Council took the following actions by consensus regarding the 10/11/85 report on <br />Council correspondence: <br />To send a letter to the appropriate persons expressing support for federal funding <br />of research on the effects of Pollutants on San Francisco Bay. <br />To send a letter to the Santa Clara County Medical Society stating that the Council <br />supported SB75 and had taken no action on the proposed amendment to SB75. <br />7o send a letter to Mrs. Trowbridge asking her to identify the owners of the barking <br />dogs in question and to send her concerns regarding the trucks on Stonebmok to <br />Santa Clara County which had jurisdiction over the quarry. <br />MOTION SEMMED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Fuhrman and passed by <br />the following roll call vote to instruct the City Manager to take all reasonable <br />steps to enforce the animal ordinance of the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />AYES: Councilmenbers Allison, Euhi and van Tanelen <br />NOES: Mayor Dronkert and Councihamter Rydell <br />To send a lettere. to Los Altos Mayor Terry CVllinann thanked him for his letter <br />concerning the Solid Waste Disposal Options Crnmittee and advising him the Council <br />would be making an appointment at their 11/6/85 meeting. <br />4. City Engineer: <br />a) Central Drive to Moody Court - Fire Road <br />The City Engineer noted that the Maintenance Supervisor had obtained an estimate of <br />$4,000 to save overgrowth f= the Central Drive Fire Road. After the vegetation <br />has been re cved the Town will repair erosion damage to the Central Drive Fire Road <br />and resurface, with gravel, to Fire Department standards. <br />MYTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Fuhrman, seconded by van Tanelen and passed <br />un>aMMOUsly to direct the City Manager to allocate finds f= the 1985-86 budget <br />to Provide for vegetation removal on the Central Drive Fire Road, as cost efficiently <br />as possible. <br />I. NEW BUSII SS: <br />1. Appointment to Pathways, Recreation and Parks Committee <br />This iter was continued to the next Council meeting. <br />4r" <br />