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CM COUNCIL D'IINUTE:4 - October 16, 1985 <br />I. NEW BUSINESS (continued): <br />2. Scheduling of Special Meeting: <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To approve the calling of a Special Meeting by the Mayor <br />to discuss the issue of insurance for the Town if it is determined such a <br />meeting is necessary prior to November 1, 1985. <br />3. Consent Calendar Iters: <br />Council discussed when items removed from the Consent Calendar should be reviewed - <br />at the time of their removal from the Consent Calendar or under Unfinished Business. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To discuss iters removed from the Consent Calendar at the <br />time they are removed from the Consent Calendar with an eight minute time limit <br />on each item. At the Mayor's discretion, the item may be discussed under Unfinished <br />Business if it appears to involve a lengthy discussion. <br />Allison suggested that resolutions approving final maps be placed on the Consent <br />Calendar. It was agreed the City Attorney would be consulted on this matter and, <br />if appropriate, this placement would take place. <br />4. Joint Awards Meeting - November 22, 1985 <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To authorize reimh=sement to staff members planning to <br />attend the 11/22/85 Joint Awards Luncheon. <br />MYTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Fk2u:man, seconded by Allison and passed <br />unanimously to go past the hour of 11:30 p.m. adjournment. <br />J. EXECUTIVE SESSION - PERSONNEL <br />The City Council then adjourned at 11:40 p.m. to Executive Session for Personnel <br />and reconvened at 1:20 a.m. <br />K. ADJOURZ1EN1' <br />There being no further new or old business to discuss, the City Council adjourned <br />at 1:22 a.m. <br />Respectfully sulmitted, <br />Patricia Dowd, City Clerk <br />