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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - November 6, 1985 <br />` C. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued): <br />4. Proclamation declaring November 3-9, 1985 'National Drug Abuse Education Week' <br />5. Actions of the Planning Commission: approved the following: <br />a) LANDS OF SOLDPDN/GRAY, FILE CUP #6-85, 13750 Robleda Road, request for <br />conditional use permit for secondary dwelling <br />D. ITEMS REFDVED FROM CONSENT CAL MAR: <br />1. Resolution #_setting the time and place of public hearing on an applica- <br />tion for a special land use permit (lands of Herpick, 28041 Horseshoe Court) <br />This item was deleted from the Consent Calendar as the issue was continued at the <br />11/6/85 Site Development Committee Meeting. <br />2. Resolution # setting the time and place of public hearing on an applica- <br />tion for a special land use permit (Lands of Butler, 14142 Liddicoat) <br />It was noted that the Disaster Committee, at their 10/30/85 meeting, referred the <br />issuance of a disaster permit to reconstruct the residence at 14142 Liddicoat Drive <br />under Resolution #95-85 to the Council because the roof height of the proposed <br />residence would substantially change. It was requested that Council determine <br />whetherthey agreed the proposed residence was in substantial compliance with <br />the previous house or whether a special land use permit would be required. <br />�. MOTION SEQ7[IDID AND FAILED: Moved by Fuhrman, seconded by Dronkert and failed by <br />the following roll call vote to accept the proposed reconstruction of the Butler <br />residence as within the guidelines of the Disaster Site Development Committee <br />and give the applicant relief from the height limitation. <br />AYES: Mayor Dronkert and Councilmenber Fuhrman <br />NOES: Councilmenbers Allison and van Tanelen <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Rydell <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED; Moved by Allison, seconded by Fuhrman and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to approve the application for reconstruction <br />at 14142 Liddicoat Drive subject to approval of a landscaping plan by the Site <br />Development Cc mrittee prior to final inspection and with the notation that the <br />$50 fee is waived. <br />E. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: <br />Mr. David Proft, 26271 Moody Road addressed the Council on behalf of Concerned <br />Residents o Los EosH lis and thanked the Council for their support and the <br />overwhelming support of the Town's residents in defeating Measure E on the 11/5/85 <br />ballot. <br />F. REPORT FROM THE PLANNING CONAISSION: <br />Commissioner Struthers reported that the following actions were taken at the <br />10/23/85 Commission Meeting: Lards of Solomon/Gray, Robleda Road, conditional use <br />permit for secondary dwelling approved, variance for location of pool house denied; <br />Lands of Visher, Albertsworth Lane, request for approval of site approval - continued <br />for additional information. The public hearings schedule for revisions to the <br />zoning ordinance was also discussed by the Commission with the first study session <br />scheduled for 11/4/85. <br />-2- <br />