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CITY CDONCIL KDUfES - Novenber 6, 1965 <br />G. SPECIAL ORDERS: <br />1. Public Hearings: <br />a) LANDS OF BOB CNN HOMES, IEC., Sot #5, Bentley Court, request for a <br />special land use permit to allow a new residence having a height in <br />excess of fifteen feet <br />The Town Planner presented her report dated 10/31/85 which noted that the Site <br />Develcpmnent Committee recommended approval of the special land use permit for the <br />proposed new residence, with the comment that while the stepped design caused the <br />residence to exceed guidelines 1.A and 1.B, it also allowed retention of the natural <br />slope and visual hammrry between the structure and surrounding terrain. <br />YC Pastrof, applicant's representative, noted that they would be able to lower <br />roo ume by 2,; however, concerning Condition 1.B., if they lowered the <br />height it would increase the grading. <br />Mr. George Ellis, 13330 Burke Road, stated that he had lived on Burke Road for 35 <br />years he was En ting this application before Council. He expressed his <br />opinion that while he had had to comply with building applications, it appeared that <br />now exceptions were constantly being made to accomodate the builders. The Mayor <br />explained to Mr. Ellis that the application before then complied with the Town's <br />ordinances; however, the council was presently reviewing all applications with a <br />height over 151. <br />FDTICN SECOMED AND CARR9F.m1: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by FUhruan and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to approve a special land use permit for the Sands <br />of Bob Owen Homes, Inc, for a new residence having a height in excess of fifteen <br />feet based on the project's substantial conformance with the guidelines for <br />Ordinance #295, noting concurrence with the opinion that the design of the residence <br />conforms to the slope of the terrain and based on the modification that the roof <br />line will be lowered by 2' (resulting in a maximum height of 26'). <br />AYES: Mayor Dronkert and Caunciknanbers Fuhrmmanm and van Tamelen <br />NOES: Councilmember Allison <br />ABSENT: Councilmenber Rydell <br />Allison commented that the reason for the 35' height limit in the guidelines was <br />to prevent nonstronsities from being built. <br />b) LANDS OF BOB CVM HOMES, Lot #6, Bentley Court, appeal of Planning <br />Commission's decision regarding setback determination <br />The Town Planner referred to her 10/31/85 staff report which noted that at the <br />9127/85 Planning Commission meeting, the choice of 90' setback by the applicant <br />for a new residence on Lot #6, Bentley Court, was overturned. The Commission <br />determined that the 90' setback should be located from Burke Road rather than <br />Bentley Court in that Burke was the more heavily traveled road the development <br />along Burke would be more visible to the public. <br />o9z <br />