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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - November 6, 1985 <br />G. SPECIAL ORDERS: Item l.b) HANDS OF BOB GTIIM HOMES, lot #6, Bentley Court (continued): <br />Ken Pastrof, applicant's representative, referred to his 10/4/85 letter to the <br />Town Staff which presented their background for a 40' setback off Bentley Court <br />rather than Burke Iniad. He further noted that they would like to front the house <br />on Bentley Court and work with the Council and Co nission on mitigation of visual <br />impact and on landscaping plans. In their opinion, a one story, L-shaped house <br />was best for the lot. If Council concurred with this and allowed the 30' setback <br />off Burke, they would withdraw their application for a special land use permit to <br />allow construction of a two story house on this lot. <br />van Tamelen stated that in her opinion the applicant was well aware of what the <br />setback requirements were for this lot. The 40' setbacks protected the openness <br />of the Town and she further stated that even with the 40' setback the applicant <br />could build a single story hoe if he wanted to. <br />Mrs. Marc Kaufman, 14100 Donelson Place, noted that her have had a 40' setback <br />rom Donelson and a setback from Fremmnt. Their here accessed onto Donelson. <br />Mary Stutz, 25310 Elena, co,nrented that when this matter cane before the Planning <br />CxFftission, ck was required off Burke because they did not want the <br />access off Burke. Mrs. Stutz' expressed the opinion that both Burke and Bentley <br />Court has 30' setbacks. <br />Jean Struthers, 13690 Robleda, stated that the one story house on Burke would be <br />nmre in keeping wi tone of the neighborhood. <br />Mayor Dronkert stated that in her opinion the applicant's letter of appeal showed <br />excellent reasoning. If the Town required access off side roads, then it stood to <br />reason that the applicant will face the house to the access road rather than lose <br />40 feet on both sides of the property. <br />MOTION SECCkIDID AMID FAILED: Moved by van Tanelen, seconded by Allison and failed <br />by the following roll call vote to uphold the Planning Commission's decision on <br />lot #6, Bentley Court, to require a 40' setback off Burke Road. <br />AYES: Camcihmnber van Tamelen <br />NOES: Mayor Dronkert and Council+++embers Allison and Fuhn <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Rydell <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIES: Moved by Fubrman, seconded by Dronkert and passed by <br />the following roll call vote to approve a 30' setback off Burke Road for Int #6, <br />Bentley Court, with a 40' setback off Bentley Court, provided that the structure <br />to be built is limited to a single story house. <br />AYES: Mayor Dxonkert and Counciln mbers Allison and Fuhrn <br />NOES: Counncilr van Tamelen <br />ABSENT: Councilmenber Rytdell <br />van Tamelen stated that she felt the Planning Camdssion had the responsibility <br />to make this decision and had carefully made their determination, van Tamelen <br />further stated that she did not think it right to move ordinances around to suit <br />individual situations. <br />Ken Pastrof, applicant's representative, asked if this Council action could be made <br />a policy statement for lots #1 and 3, Bentley Court. The Mayor responded that this <br />request could be agendized for a future Council meeting. <br />-4- <br />