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City Council Minutes
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7/20/2015 4:58:20 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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O1 YLK•.JkylnZFlli�EW, . =II w7NWIWR1.1 1 <br />G. SPECIAL CIDERS: Item 1 - Public Hearings (continued): <br />c) IANDS OF WALSH, 28188 Christophers Lane, request for a special land <br />use permit to allow an addition having a height do excess of fifteen feet <br />The Town Planner referred to her staff report dated 10/31/85 which included the <br />staff recd mandation that the Council approve the special land use permit for the <br />Proposed arbor over the deck for Lands of Walsh. <br />Mr. Richard Schroeder, 28224 Christophers Lane (parents hme), addressed the <br />CUuncrl requesting clarification of the guidelines for Ord-�—ce #295. Mr. <br />Schroeder cft also was working with the applicant on this project suggested that <br />the notices sent to the neighbors on these special land use permit hearings <br />specifically state what the applicant planned to do. For instance, in this case, <br />it was listed as an addition in the notice but was actually an arbor. He noted <br />this might made it less confusing for the neighbors. <br />MOTION SFICONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanimously by all menUers present to approve a special land use permit for the <br />Lands of Walsh for an arbor over the deck having a height in excess of fifteen <br />feet based on the project's conformance with the guidelines for Ordinance #295. <br />d) Adoption of proposed increases in building inspection and/or building <br />permit fees or charges <br />MOTION SECONDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by F1+h,nian and passed <br />` unanimously by all minnbers present to adopt proposed increases in building <br />inspection and/or building permit fees or charges based on the City Manager's report <br />that the proposed fees do not exceed the cost of providing said services. <br />e) Ordinance #298 amending Chapter 1 of Title 8 to adopt by reference the <br />1985 edition of the Uniform Building Code, including the appendix <br />thereto, and the Uniform Building Code Standards, 1985 edition; amending <br />Chapter,3 of Title 8 to adopt by reference the Uniform Plumbing Code, <br />1985 edition; and amending Chapter 4 of Title 8 to adopt by reference <br />the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1985 edition, respectively of the Ins Altos <br />Hills Municipal Code. <br />M XION SECONDED AND CAF=: Moved by Allison, seconded by Fnhrman and passed <br />unanimously by all nmbers present to waive further reading of Ordinance #298. <br />MOTICN SECONDED AMID CAMUM: Moved by Allison, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to adopt ordinance #298. <br />f) LANDS OF MDZART, 11626 Dawson Drive, appeal of Site Develcps ent and Zoning <br />Permit <br />g) IAMIDS OF MOZART, 11626 Dawson Drive, request for a special land use <br />permit to allow for an addition having a height in excess of fifteen feet <br />The Town Planner referred to her 10/31/85 staff report which noted that since an <br />appeal had been filed regarding the decisions to issue a zoning permit and a site <br />i development permit for the proposed thirty-five car garage on Iands of Mozart, <br />fir' Council was required to decide whether this proposal was consistent with the Zoning <br />Ordinance definition of an accessory structure. (Accessory use or accessory <br />structure shall mean a subordinate use or subordinate structure customarily incident <br />to and located on the sane lot with the primary use.). The primary question before <br />-5- <br />
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