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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - November 6, 1985 <br />G. CPFk'TAr. OIDERS: Item If) and Ig) - IAIDS OF M7Z= (continued) : <br />the Council was whether the large garage proposed by Mr. Mozart was 'customarily <br />incident' to a primary use. <br />John Mozart, applicant, explained he had an antique car collection and would be <br />doing no restoration work on the property. It world not be noisy; there world <br />be no removal of trees and it was a level site. He had a landscaping plan to <br />mitigate the visual impact which included thirty one trees backed up with bougain- <br />villea. <br />Julie Perrucci, applicant's designer, explained the need for a 19' height for <br />the garage - in addition to the garage doors and the clearance needed for the <br />antique cars, the slope of the garage roof had been designed to coordinate with <br />the roof slope on the house. Ms. Perrucci further noted that a line of site had <br />been prepared from the neighbors' homes and with the landscaping plans there would <br />be minimal visual impact on the neighbors. In response to a question as to why <br />there were no windows in the proposed garage, Ms. Penucci explained that it was a <br />security controlled environment. It was also felt that it softened the impact of <br />the garage; the breaking up of the long wall world not be as effective as land- <br />scaping. <br />Mayor Dronkert referred to her 11/1/85 memo which included the following suggested <br />alternatives: 1) The Council finds that any accessory use in Section 9-5.702 is <br />customary no matter how large, as long as it meets the requirements of zoning and <br />site development ordl names and that it does not negatively affect the neighborhood; <br />2) The Council finds that any garage or accessory structure over a certain size and/or <br />level ofuse is not customary and is therefore not allowed; 3) The Council could <br />initiate a zoning ordinance revision to require a conditional use permit for <br />accessory structures over a certain size and/or level of use; and 4) The Council <br />could address their concerns in an agreement with the owner. <br />Mr. Dan McDonald, 24280 Elise Court, requested Council deny this permit based on <br />e sheer size of tRe­—pm—j—e—ct­arr-F­thevisual impact on his property. Mr. McDonald <br />referred to his 8/7185 letter to the Planning Commission (on file at Town Hall) <br />which detailed his concerns. <br />Council discussed the proposed project and mitigation measures as noted by the <br />applicant. It was determined that this was a large piece of property, a garage <br />is a customary structure and this was a very large garage which required certain <br />mitigating measures. <br />b1mw SEcamm ASID CARRim: Moved by Fuhrman, seconded by Allison and passed unani- <br />mously by all members present to declare the Council's intention to enter into an <br />agreement with the owner and to approve a special lard use permit for the Lands of <br />Mozart, subject to an agreement prepared by the City Attorney which covered the <br />following concerns: 1) use of structure - restricted to garage use only; 2) review <br />process - upon request of Council, applicant, new owner or violation of conditions; <br />and, 3) limitation of public usage - for example no museum type of activities. Said <br />agreement will be reviewed by the applicant and the Council and agendized for the <br />11/20/85 Council meeting. <br />Allison suggested that Mr. McDonald meet with Mr. Mozart and Ms. Perrucci to discuss <br />the proposed project and his concerns. <br />Gil <br />