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CITY COUNCIL MIN[7PE`S - November 6, 1985 <br />H. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (continued): <br />2. Reconsideration of establishment of Environmental Design and Protection Caamittee <br />PASSED BY ODSSENSUS: To advertise vacancies on the EYnvisornmental Design and Protection <br />and to explore structure of the ommittee with new ccumittee mediers. <br />3. Setting the date for a Study Session on the Fremont Road S -Curve <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To schedule a study session on the Fremont Road S -Curve for <br />8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 26, 1985 in Council Chambers at Town Hall. <br />M TION SDSRIDED AND CARRIED: Moved by EUhxman, seconded by Dronkert and passed <br />unanimously by all menbers present to go past the hour of 11:30 p.m. adjournment. <br />1. Reports from Standing Committees: <br />a) Safety Committee: <br />Barbara Tryon, Chainruan - Safety Camnittee, presented her committee's report <br />on >_ a at Tvwrn a report summarized the Cmvu-ttee's <br />activities during the past six months and noted that the issue of police service <br />options was still a matter of discussion. Mrs. Tryon expressed the aarmittee's <br />hope that the Council was monitoring the police service presented being provided <br />to the Town and was studying cost-effective means of improvement. <br />b) Pathways, Recreation and Parks Crn ttes <br />Mary Stutz, Chairman - Pathways, Recreation and Parks Committee, referred to the <br />minutes of the 10128185 meeting of the Pathways, Recreation and Parks Camdttee <br />and clarified the location of paths on the Iands of the Palo Alto Unified School <br />District. <br />2. Reports from Ad Hoc Committees: <br />3. Cam�ents from the Council. <br />a) Rydell: Road Race Permit Applications <br />This item was continued to the next meeting. <br />b) van Tamelen: Joint Awards <br />van Tamelen reported that she and Mrs. Carico had met as directed by Council and <br />had made six nominations for a Joint Award on behalf of the Council. <br />c) Drunkert: ICC and Jr. League Meetings <br />Dronkert noted that the ICC meeting was scheduled for 11/14/85 and she had also <br />received an invitation to attend a Jr. League Breakfast Meeting on 12/13/85. If <br />t any C=cilr�r was interested in attending either of these events, they should <br />�r let her know. <br />