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CITY COUNCIL MIN= - NovanUer 26, 1985 <br />( B. STORY SESSION ON FREMWr FUM S -CURVE: (continued); <br />ar The City Manages omrwnted that he would refer Mrs. Kaufman's suggestion regarding <br />stop signs on Fremont at nth, the Safety C�rt� tee or a r tion. and <br />that he would request the Sheriff's Dept. for ack3i mornu,�_�atso�s ,ory�the S -Curve <br />The City Engineer outlined the four options for theS-(love Project: retain existing <br />Path with improvements; lessen scope of present project with retaining walls; <br />existing project (also requires acquisition of rights -of -gray fon two property owners); <br />and relocation of the path to the lower side of Fremont Road. <br />It was agreed that conceptual plans on the options would be available for Council <br />at their 12/18/85 Council Meeting and after this meeting the materials would be <br />available for Planning Camussim, Pathways Cmmittee and Bullis School information <br />and comments. The Fremont Road S -.curve project would then be placed on the Council <br />agenda for their meeting on January 16, 1986. It was further agreed that a cost <br />estimate for a soils engineer for the S -Curve project world be available at the 12/4/85 <br />Council meeting if this information was available. <br />C. ADJOURMNT: <br />There being nen further new or old business to discuss, the City Council adjourned <br />at 10:50 a.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Patricia Dowd, City Clerk <br />-2- <br />