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CITY CaMIL MTNO'TES - December 4, 1985 <br />G. SPECIAL ORDERS: Item La) - Public Hearing - Lands of Rayden (continued): <br />The Town Planner presented her report dated 11/26/85 which noted that the Site <br />Developmnt Coamittes reanmended approval of the Special Land Use Permit for <br />the proposed new residence at 26011 Torello Lane. <br />van Terolen expressed concerns about the proposed grading and intense development <br />planned for this lot. Staff stated that the applicant had been informed that they <br />were at the maximum development area allowed for this lot. <br />MYTION SEWIIDED AND CARRIED: hbved by ESilnnaan, seconded by Rydell and passed by the <br />following roll call vote to approve a special land use permit for the Lands of <br />Rayden for construction of a new residence having a height in excess of fifteen feet <br />based on the project's conformance with the guidelines for Ordinance #295. <br />AYES: Mayor Dronkert and Council+nexibwrs Allison, Fuhrnh]n and Rydell <br />IDES: CouncilmeMoer van Tenelen <br />b) IANDS OF CHEWS, 11651 Jessica Lane, appeal of Planning Cannission's <br />decision regarding setback determination <br />Council had before then a letter of appeal dated 11/14/85 from Mrs. Cheng requesting <br />a 40' setback from Magdalena and a 30' setback frau Jessica Lane. Mrs. Cheng's letter <br />also noted that they wanted to enclose their deck and replace their roof which was <br />leaking. The Planning Commission, at their 11/13/85 meeting, had determined that the <br />owner's choice of a 40' setback from Magdalena would be injurious to the public interest, <br />O=assioner Carico cartmnted on the historical approach to setback determinations. <br />It had been the intent that the 40' setback would be from the front of the property; <br />Where the driveway connected to the street (access to the property) there would be a <br />40' setback. In this particular case before Council, Commissioner Carico noted that <br />the other property owners on Jessica were observing the 40' setback off of Jessica. <br />Mrs. Carico stressed the importance of consistency in these decisions. <br />van Tamelen cmmented that setback decisions were made at Site Developmnt and the <br />applicant could then appeal their decision to the full Planning Caimission if they <br />wished. Both Rydell and van Tamelen suggested it would be more appropriate for the <br />Chengs to apply for a variance. <br />Mr. Marc Kaufman, 14100 Donelson Place, mmmnted on the possibility of a procedural <br />prob en. The setback aeeEern trop was not a hard and fast rule and were not <br />uniformly designed throughout the Tuan. Mrs. Mary Stutz, 25310 Elena, found it difficult <br />to understand the request to change a setba ter a e ilt on the <br />property. <br />Mrs. Cheng, applicant, stated that she felt the Planning Cavoission had not been <br />consistent rnetrrecent decisions regarding setbacks. In ackdi.tion, she did not <br />feel that her request was injurious to the public interest. <br />The City AttOmey 031miente3 that if the ordinance currently in place did not reflect <br />the policy of the Tann it should be changed. He also noted that in the future setbacks <br />could be determined at the time of subdivision. In the particular case before Council, <br />the setback determination is still undetermined, the house presently conforms on both <br />Jessica and Magdalena and the Council needs to determine that the Planning Cannission's <br />findings of injurious to the public interest are adequate. <br />-4- <br />