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CITY coLma miN[1PF5 - January 18, 1984 <br />E. UNFINISBED BUSINESS (continued) : <br />`r 3. Report on LANDS OF APASPRA - proposed park developuent by the City of Palo Alto <br />The City Council accepted the 1/13/84 staff report presented by the City Engineer/ <br />Planner which included the statemnt from the Planning Commission Meeting of 1/11/84 <br />on the Arastra Lands. iri+3r�--T9-Qeff e&-selon) <br />4. Items Reroved from the Consent Calendar: <br />a) Approval of Minutes: Decanter 21, 1983 Pagular Meeting <br />MOTION SEMIZED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Pmft, seconded by Perkins and passed <br />unanimously to approve the Deomber 21, 1983 minutes of the Regular Meeting <br />with the following amentnents: Page Six, Item l.b) last paragraph should read - <br />'City Manager suggested and Council concurred that this report be forwarded to <br />the Site Developrent Committee as well as the Site Development Ordinance <br />Rewriting Committee along with the Environrental Design Committee report on <br />grading.'; Page Six, Item 3, second paragraph should read - 'Cmmissioner Carim <br />reported the Planning Commission recamanded approval of a tentative map with <br />a condition dedicating a creek maintenance easement to the Santa Clara Valley <br />Water District noting the anmission would like to clarify Council policy on <br />dedication of maintenance easements to the Water District.' <br />1. Reports from Standing Caumittees: <br />a) Ccnmmity Relations 03mdttee - report on placemnt of posting boards <br />Edward Barnes, Chairman - Connnnity Relations Committee, reported that the <br />posting boards in Tuan were presently in the following locations: Fremont & <br />Concepcion; Magdalena & Sumierhill; Page Mill Iniad & Christopher's Lane. The <br />Caumittee formulated the following list of possible locations: Edith & Fremont, <br />Town Hall, Caltrans Parking Lot, Westwixd Barn, Stmaerhill, Los Altos Chamber of <br />Conuerce, Rancho Stopping Center, Little League Field, Foothill College and <br />Altos Library. The Committee further noted that there could be walk up and <br />drive up access to the hoards, crushed gravel pathways, frequent updates and <br />no impact on visibility. As an alternate suggestion to having more posting <br />boards, the Cammittee recommended the concept of 'Dial -An -Agenda' - taped (AMENDED BY <br />recordings of Council and Planning Cmmission agendas as well as committee CD NCIL <br />meeting dates and other relevant information concerning the Town. 2/1/84) <br />PASSED BY CDNSENSUS: 1b direct the Cannunity Relations Committee to report back <br />to Council with cost estimates to implement their concept of 'Dial -An Agenda'. (AMENDED <br />BY COUNCIL 2/1/84) <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRLED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by Proft and passed unan.- <br />M mously to approve the change in location of the posting board now located at Fremont <br />and Concepcion to a position located next to the mailbox at Tom Hall. <br />-4- <br />