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CITY COUNCIL MHR3 B - January 18, 1984 <br />9q•�•J ��"10. •� Ind M It �' M51i <br />q%W f) Repair of Page Mill Road <br />The City Manager, in response to a request from Cmmissioner Rydell for a <br />status report on. Page Mill Road repairs, =rated that the contract in question <br />needed the approval of Caltrans. As soon as this approval was received, cork <br />could proceed. <br />g) Warrant List - additional items <br />The City Manager requested Council approval of the following warrants in <br />addition to those earlier approved by Council on the Consent Calendar: #9991, <br />#9994, #9995 and #9996. Processing for these warrants was not Meted in <br />time to include on the warrant list. <br />MXION SECONDED AND cmdu D: Moved by Allison, seconded by Perkins and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to approve the following four warrants: #9991, <br />#9994, #9995, and #9996 with the expression of concern about the number of <br />warrants being distributed prior to Council approval at a Council meeting. <br />AYES: Mayor van Tamelen and Councilnvnibers Allison, Hillestad and Perkins <br />NOES: Councilman Proft <br />H. N09 BUSINESS: <br />1. Remraendation to City Council regarding Planning Projects <br />The City Manager reported that on 12/16/83 and 12/19/83 interviews had been held <br />with planning firms for certain special projects. The interview panel included <br />Mary van Tamelen, John Carlson, Judith Carico and David Miller - Public Works & <br />Community Development Director, Poster City. Staff's recoavenlation was the firm <br />of Connerly & Associates. <br />MMION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by Hillestad and passed <br />unanimously to authorize the staff to negotiate a contract with Oonnerly & <br />Associates to cmplete the following planning projects: Site Development Chapter <br />($5,000), Housing Element ($6,000) and General Plan ($5,000). <br />Perkins expressed his concerns about the firm fully understanding the sensitive <br />issues in the Tb . It was noted that the references for the firm had been <br />contacted and exarple reports of their work were available at Town Hall. Allison <br />requested clarification in the final contract of the circulation elamnt, EIR, <br />and possible additional costs. <br />I. CLOSED SESSION: <br />The City Council than adjourned to Closed Session for personnel at 11:00 p.m. and <br />reconvened at 11:10 p.m. <br />J. ADJOUIUZEwTP: <br />L There being no further new or old business to discuss, the City Council adjourned <br />` at 11:15 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />-8- Patricia Desai, City Clerk <br />