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CITY COUNCIL MEN= - March 7, 1984 <br />E. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (continued) <br />7. Report on Solid Waste JPA Fund <br />The City Manager stated that the balance in the JPA Surcharge Fund .was $34,437.16. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the City Manager to prepare a staff report on the <br />realistic estimate of staff time related to the JPA Surcharge Fund. <br />B. Computer/Accounting Services <br />The City Manager presented her report dated 3/5/84 which included the recamendation <br />that Council authorize entering into an agreement with Atherton, establishing a <br />contract with an accountant and hiring a part-time clerical employee. <br />Nan Fuhrmen, Chairman-Financo Committee , recommnended a study session be scheduled <br />for next week to consider all the alternatives; there were too many variables which <br />had not been fully explored. <br />Louise Dronkert, 27431 Black Mountain Road, agreed with Mrs. Fuhrman but suggested <br />the time frame was too short. She understood fron the study session on 2/23/84 <br />that a more complete report would be made at a later date. The staff report before <br />them was dated 3/5/84 and there had been no opportunity for review. <br />MOTION SEcoNEED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Allison, seconded by van Tamelen and failed <br />by the following roll call vote to adopt option four in the 3/5/84 staff report, <br />specifically, direct staff to initiate continuing the bookkeeper position on the <br />manual system and obtain the services of an accountant for overview and more difficult <br />procedures and seek further information regarding computers desirable for the Town's <br />needs. <br />AYES: Mayor van Tamelen and Councilmenber Allison <br />NOES: Councilmembers Perkins and Proft <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Hillestad <br />MOTION FAILED DUE TO LACK OF A SEDDND: Moved by Proft to continue consideration of <br />item E.8 to the next Council meeting. <br />Council discussed the various options before them regarding canputer/accounting <br />services. Perkins and Proft stressed they felt it was time to change toward more <br />adequate bookkeeping with the Atherton system used as a norm when considering other <br />options. Allison was not convinced that the reconuen3ation stated in the staff <br />report reflected the most cost effective method or the one of most utility to the <br />Town. He mentioned the following alternatives: bookkeeping and a ,u.sion of a <br />small computer system. Van Tamelen agreed with the computer system but felt the <br />other options should be explored. In response to a question from the City Manager <br />regarding staff looking into the possiblity of microcomputers, the Council stated <br />that this was not their request; those who were posing the options to a computer <br />system should provide the data. <br />MOTION SEXIDMIDED AMID CARRIED: Moved by Perkins, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to direct the City Manager to continue a search for <br />a part-time accountant and to authorize the Mayor to sign said agreement. <br />AYES: Mayor van Tamelen and Councilmmembers Perkins and Proft <br />NOES: Councilmember Allison <br />ABSENT: COuncilizember Hillestad <br />-6- <br />