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Regular Meeting Minutes
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CITY cawiL =rEs - April 4, 1984 <br />�W B. PU13LIC DISCUSSION - IANDS OF ARASTRA (continued): <br />Richard Swan, 12774 Ieander, spoke in favor of Pasec del Roble as an access to <br />the park. He m#kisized the philosophy of the Ttwn regarding narrow country roads <br />and open country. Mr. Swan further ca�men ted that the parking Area were being <br />provided for the park and, in his opinion, a locked gate was inappropriate. The <br />follow,ing idents agrees that a locked gate was not an appropriate mitigating <br />measure: Mrs. Nan Diaz, 27920 Roble Blanco, imice Duncan, President - westwind <br />Barn, Mr. and Mrs. Al Jackson, 6088 Duval Way. <br />Mrs. Pat Ersepke, 25740 Jcsefa, comriented that if the Paseo Del Roble access was <br />not approveci, the only opUm would be Arastradeno for equestrinn which would be <br />dangerous. Mrs. Irma Goldsmith, 27330 Elena Road, felt Pasec del Roble should be <br />6ai, eo Rob <br />used; access to an excellent park area. Y�. —riki, 13731 Pas del le, <br />asked for clarification of the proposed park map arid reomuended that the Section <br />showing the Pasec del Roble access be deleted from the public maps. Mrs. Judith <br />C= P anning Commission marber, conmenLed that there were 50+ easexents between <br />�--Iesl in Ttwn axia tnese were not abused nor were there couplaints. Mr. Larry <br />Dawson, 13875 Mir Mi�, and Mrs. Doni Hubbard, 25228 LaLcma Drive, each suggested <br />that an express�cn of appreciation be made to Palo Alto for the good faith and <br />can cern they have shown to the Tbwn regarding the proposed park pro3ect. In response <br />to a question from a resident, Mrs. Mary Stutz, Chairman - Pathways Ccnrdttee, <br />noted that Paseo Del Roble was part of the Master Path Plan and had been for severai <br />years. Mrs. Artenas Ginzton, 1.1111,1a�� supported the deletion of the Pasec <br />.c lital, <br />del Roble access on the Palo map ot the park; h owever , she eyphasized <br />the importance of having the access included in the Town's path map. <br />Yx. Larry Faber, Mmiber - Arastra Citizens Advisory Ccumittee, clarified the map <br />before Council ot the proposec[ park ana access on Paseo del Roble. He also noted <br />that there would be at least two rangexs� living on the park and that Pasec, del Roble <br />was one of the designated entries for pedestrian/equestrian use only. <br />Council made the following cam�ents regarding the Lands of Arastra. Proft suggested <br />the mitigating measiires be included in the recomxendation sent to Palo Alto. He <br />also reconnended the path be shown on the park map and a barrier (day) and locked <br />gate (night) be placed at the access on Paseo del Roble. Hillestad felt Palo Alto <br />should be made aware of the Town's concerns and that signs be posted specifically <br />stating 'no parking for the park'. Perkins agreed with the previous comments that <br />the path access be available for the park. rtkiile noting that a locked gate might <br />be a good idea on a trial basis, he emphasized that Paseo del Roble should not be <br />used as a place to park for the park. Allison agreed to a connecting path with <br />several mitigating measuxv� a, i.e., directional sign placed on Arastradero; path <br />not shown on public maps; litt� contro <br />
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