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CITY COHN= MINHTES - April 4, 1984 <br />E. SPB= ORDERS: <br />�W 7. Resolution #_approving and authorizing eXeCUtIOn Of an mended lease <br />bet� the City of the Town of Ios Altos Hills and Purissima Hills Water <br />District <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Perkins and passed unani- <br />mously to continue this item to the next Council Meeting. <br />Allison noted that Purissima Water District should be node aware of his comments <br />on the proposed lease. <br />F. LINFINISBED BUSINESS: <br />1. Job Description for City Engineer: <br />Council discussed the job description before them and Perkins expressed concern <br />over the title of 'Public Works Director'. He er#�asized the importance of the <br />subdivision process and develoFment of the community and felt this crucial aspect <br />might be lost in the proposed title of the job. <br />MOTION SECONDED AM CARRIED : Moved by Van Tmelen, seconded by Proft and passed <br />by the following rall call vote to change the title to 'EngineerJPublic Works <br />Director' <br />AYES: Mayor van Tamelen and Councilaembers Perkins arid PrOft <br />16W NOES: C�ilmcmbors Allison and Hillestad <br />PASSED By caisENSus: To include the following phrase in the section entitled <br />'examples of duties': serves on the Site Developnent Camnittee <br />MOTION SEMMED AND CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Hillestad and passed by <br />the following roll call vote to appreve the job description for City Engineer <br />as amended by Council. <br />AYES: Mayor van Tamelen and Councilmembers Hillestad, Perkins and Proft <br />NOES: Ccuncilmember Allison <br />2. Agreement for Interim Engineering Services <br />The City Manager reported that at this time an agrement for interim engineering <br />services had not been finalized. Council w�ld be informed as soon as an agreement <br />had been reached. <br />3. Town Ring - submission of specifications by Robert Stutz <br />The City Manager stated that the plans submitted by Mr. Stutz would need to be <br />reviewed by an engineer. After this had taken place, the contracts could be drawn <br />and placed on a Council agenda for approval. <br />MXION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Proft, seconded by Perkins and passed unani- <br />mously to approve the review of the Tbwn Ring plans by an engineer. <br />�w <br />go <br />