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CITy COUNCIL MINUTES - April 18, 1984 <br />E. LpwmiSHED Bus=s (continued) <br />` 6. Items Removed frau the Consent Calendar - continued: <br />�/ b) Actions of the Planning Camussion: recommended granting of the <br />following: <br />1) LANDS OF hDODLEIM, File VAR 42-84 <br />Planning Camnissioner Carico reported that when this property was originally <br />subdivided in 1975 approval had been granted for a swimning pool site; at that <br />time the Roan required larger driveways to accomodate for off-street parking. <br />Since that time the Town's ordinances had been revised which limited the amount <br />of impervious surfacing on lots; however, the pool site being requested was <br />smaller than the originally approved site. <br />John Riley, applicant's engineer, stated that the proposed plans were in ompliance <br />with the essence of the orXIMM and added nothing to the runoff on the lot. <br />Gordon Miller, engineering consultant, stated that if it is porous rock, it is <br />not impervious surface; doesn't create a runoff condition. <br />Nancy Lytle, planning consultant, noted that she had been including gravel drive- <br />ways in establishing MDAs. <br />Mr. Middletm, applicant, reiterated that no additional runoff would result from <br />e proposed plans for his property. <br />Mrs. Middleton, applicant, appreciated the Council's position of upholding the <br />Rown's ordinances but felt they should consider the essence of the rules. Their <br />proposed plans were sinple and would result in no additional runoff. <br />The City Attorney noted that the Council was required to find the six conditions <br />for a variance existed for the property in question. It was their decision whether <br />exceptional circLmistances existed; if they did not feel this was the case, the <br />appeal process could be followed and a public hearing held on the matter. <br />van Tamelen expressed the opinion that in this case an exceptional cirammstance <br />did not exist. The Town's philosophy was based on open space and the limit of <br />development and she felt the ordinance should be strictly adhered to. <br />MMON SECONDED AND CARRIED: hovel by Fuhxman, seconded by Dronkert and passed by <br />the following roll call vote to approve Lands of Middleton, File VAR #2-84, <br />based on the recommendation and report of the Planning Ca sion. <br />AYES: Mayor Allison and CalncilmaTbers Dronkert and Fuh man <br />NOES: CounciltneuhPr van Tamelen <br />ABSENT: Counciln mhcr Rydell <br />F. SPECIAL REPORTS - <br />1. Reports from Standing Committees: <br />a) Safety Coamittee - request for radar unit replacement <br />Allison presented a report on behalf of Safety Committee Chaff+ , Andrea Cochran. <br />The report dated 4/18/84 included the reoamendation to purchase a 'roadrunner' <br />radar unit from Kustan Electronics at a cost of $1,100 plus postage. <br />-5- <br />