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CITY COUNCIL MU UES - May 16, 1984 <br />r •ia•�•� ��••m •r na v u i � «a is .. - <br />�W 1. City Manager (continued) <br />d) Accounting RFP <br />The City Manager reported that the REP had been prepared and a copy was on the <br />Council's clipboard for their information. The proposals were due by 5:00 p.m. <br />on June 8, 1984. <br />e) Report on Corbetta Lane <br />The City Manager referred to a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Clarke concerning the <br />condition of Corbetta Lane, specifically severe cracking, large ruts and unsafe <br />manhole cover. In her reply to the Clarkes, the City Manager noted that this <br />matter would be included in the Capital Improvements Section of the Preliminary <br />Budget for FY 84-85. <br />Mrs. Clarke, 12544 Cortetta Lane, addressed the Council concerning the amount <br />of traffic on their street and reiterated that Corbetta was a public street. <br />Council discussed what steps could be taken to at least partially remedy the <br />situation. it was agreed that when Ton Hall driveway was repaired the crew would <br />also patchasphalt on Corbetta. In addition the manhole will be sprayed either <br />yellow or white so it would be more visible at night. <br />f) Town Banking Services <br />kow The City Manager suggested it was appropriate to review the Town's barking services <br />to determine if wider range of services was available to the Town at a more <br />advantageous cost. <br />MMON SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Fuhrma n, seconded by Dronkert and passel <br />unanimously to request the Finance ComAttee to assist staff with the project of <br />preparing an REP to be sent to banks, to participate in interviews and to reommmend <br />a bank to the Council. <br />g) Los Altos Sewer Charges <br />PASSED BY OCNSENSUS: To direct the Mayor to send a letter to the Los Altos City <br />Council protesting the proposed increase in the sewer service charge to the Town's <br />residents within the los Altos Sewer basin by approximately 198. <br />NEW BUSINESS: <br />Commuter Relief Sales Tax Measure and Report on 5/9/84 Transportation <br />Conmdssion Meeting <br />Council discussed the proposed sales tax legislation for the November 1984 ballot. <br />Allison reported this matter had been discussed at the Mayors' Conference and the <br />following concerns were noted: composition of authority, equity, feasibility of <br />passage and lack of planning and details. <br />-7- <br />