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CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - June 20, 1984 <br />D. SPECIAL ORDERS (continued) <br />9. Resolution # approving and authorizing execution of an agreement between <br />the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills and Martin Carpenter Associates, Inc. <br />The City Manager presented her report dated 6/18/84 on the contract extension for <br />planning services which included an explanation of the changes from the previous <br />contract and the reasons for recommending that Council approve the contract exten- <br />sion for a period of one year. The City Manager also noted that the consultant <br />Plans to modify rates on 1/1/85 but had guaranteed to the Town that no increase in <br />rates could occur through the contract year. It was further noted that the con- <br />sultant was in favor of returning to half time }ours and it was the staff's xxmnnen- <br />ation that the contract be reviewed about 12/1/84 to determine if the planning <br />staff hours could be reduced with a cminensurate decrease in the retainer. <br />MOTION SEMMED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dronkert, seconded by van Tamelen and passed <br />by the following roll call cote to adopt Resolution #58-84 approving and authorizing <br />execution of an agreement between the City of the Town of Ios Altos Hills and Martin <br />Carpenter Associates, Inc. (with the addendum to review the contract 12/1/84 for <br />possible reduction of hours and retainer). <br />AYES: Mayor Allison and Councilmemhers Dronkert, Fuhrman and van Tamelen <br />NOES: Councilmmber Rydell <br />Rydell stated that he could not support a yearlong extension of the contract. <br />It could possibly be done in-house; however, he could support a three-month <br />extension with Martin and Carpenter. <br />G. LWINISHED BUSINESS: <br />1. Review of Pathway Maintenance <br />Mary Stutz, Chairman - Pathways Committee, referred to the 6/15/84 status report <br />before Council on pathway maintenance and expressed her opinion, after looking <br />at several of the projects, that the maintenance being done was not adequate and <br />the projects were not completed as stated on the report. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To schedule a meting of the crew, staff and pathways <br />coinittee on a regular basis to discuss the pathways report, maintenance procedures. <br />Proposed path along Stonebrook Avenue <br />Cindy Hettinger, 12372 Priscilla lane, referred to her report dated 6/11/84 in <br />which she requested Ccunci to grantspecific permission for the construction of <br />the proposed path along Stonebrook Avenue by Patton Brothers. <br />Alma Food, 12251 Stonebrook, Mr. Butler, 12321 Stanbrook, John Reefer, 12231 <br />Stonebrook and Geraldine Matthews, 12211 Stonebrook each addressed the Council <br />noting that the truck problem on Stanbrook should be resolved before a path is <br />installed. They also pointed out that there was an existing path, although now <br />overgrown, on one side of the road and had serious concerns about putting in a <br />path on the side used now for drainage. <br />-4- <br />